The instruments being played are the traditional Finnish kantele ( a plucked string instrument of the zither family). FinnFest USA '90, Suomi College, Hancock, Michigan; July 26-29, 1990.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
This three volume set covers every sort of medical emergency and include stroke, noxious fumes from wells and mines, cholera and other epidemics, vomiting of blood, blood in the urine, migraine, urinary obstructions, accidental cuts, wounds incurred during wartime, eye injuries, burns, frostbite, resuscitation of drowned or intoxicated people, a...
Taki, Motonori,1732-1801.; 多紀元德,1732-1801.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Owen H. Wangensteen Historical Library of Biology and Medicine.
This three volume set covers every sort of medical emergency and include stroke, noxious fumes from wells and mines, cholera and other epidemics, vomiting of blood, blood in the urine, migraine, urinary obstructions, accidental cuts, wounds incurred during wartime, eye injuries, burns, frostbite, resuscitation of drowned or intoxicated people, a...
Taki, Motonori,1732-1801.; 多紀元德,1732-1801.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Owen H. Wangensteen Historical Library of Biology and Medicine.
This three volume set covers every sort of medical emergency and include stroke, noxious fumes from wells and mines, cholera and other epidemics, vomiting of blood, blood in the urine, migraine, urinary obstructions, accidental cuts, wounds incurred during wartime, eye injuries, burns, frostbite, resuscitation of drowned or intoxicated people, a...
Taki, Motonori,1732-1801.; 多紀元德,1732-1801.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Owen H. Wangensteen Historical Library of Biology and Medicine.
Kokie Goldenberg standing at a podium and addressing attendants of a rally for the U. J. F. C.The United Jewish Fund and Council was founded in 1935 as the fundraising arm of the St. Paul Jewish community.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Nathan and Theresa Berman Upper Midwest Jewish Archives.
We prove path-wise uniqueness for an abstract stochastic reaction-diffusionequation in Banach spaces. The drift contains a bounded H{o}lder term; inspite of this, due to the space-time white noise it is possible to provepath-wise uniqueness. The proof is based on a detailed analysis of theassociated Kolmogorov equation. The model includes exampl...
Cerrai, Sandra (University of Maryland)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Main square in Komarov near Horovice in Bohemia, with author's apartment marked in the photo. Card sent by Gustav ? From Komarov to Marie Sojka in Osage, Iowa. Gustav remembering time spent together with Marie Sojka in Komarov referring to an upcoming visit by Marie to Bohemia.
X, Gustav
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
Entire illustration in red. Man with hammer and sickle on hat holds an empty announcement placard (this poster was probably never used). Around him a crowd holds banners with messages like "only socialism can save us" and "The K.P.D. marches."
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Upper Midwest Literary Archives.