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2135 - 200 of 211350 results
Stricker, George - residence
Stricker, George - residence
Stricker, George - residence
Stricker, George - residence
Stricker, George - residence
Stricker, George - residence
Stricker, George - residence
Stricker, George - residence
Stricker, George W. - alterations - 2
St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
St. Teresa's School
St. Teresa's School
Study for a Bedroom
Study for a Library
Study for a Shop
Study for a Shop
Study for Front Entrance of a Residence
Study for Residence - University Grove
Study for Residence - University Grove
Study with bookshelves, fireplace and two chairs
study with fireplace, bookshelves and chair
Sumner McKnight residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Suspension Bridge West Channel, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Swan Turnblad residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Swedenborgian "New Jerusalem" Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Swedish Mission Tabernacle, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Syndicate Block, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Szarkowski - This Book
T. A. Jamieson residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Taped letter to William Beyer from Mildred Margaret (Friedeborg) Anderson, editor of Common Ground - part 3
Temple Court, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Tenement row, Minneapolis, Minnesota
The Alexander belt is made in one grade only -- the highest.
The Alexander belt is made in one grade only - the highest : Richie, Crawford Co. : Philadelphia
The Alexander dreadnaut belt is waterproof
The Armory, Minneapolis, Minnesota
The black beauty of beltdom
The dominant mark on belting
The high mark on leather
The high mark on leather
The high mark on leather : Alexander Brothers, Philadelphia
The high mark on leather : Alexander Brothers, Philadelphia
The high mark on leather : Alexander Brothers, Philadelphia
The International Idea
The International Trade Mark
The nation has selected its men and materials with experienced judgment. . . : Alexander Brothers : Philadelphia
The Oakland Flats, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Theo Griggs Amusement Room, Entrance Stair, 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Amusement Room, West Wall (1), 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Amusement Room, West Wall (2), 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Amusement Room, West Wall (3), 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Amusement Room, West Wall (4), 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Backyard, 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Bedroom, 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Dressing Room & North Porches, Dressing Room (1), 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Dressing Room & North Porches, Dressing Room (2), 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Dressing Room & North Porches, Dressing Room (3), 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Dressing Room & North Porches, Dressing Room (4), 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Dressing Room & North Porches, Dressing Room (5), 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Forest Lodge
Theo Griggs Fountain (1), 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Fountain (2), 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Garden Wall, 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Interior, 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Interior, 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Interior, 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Interior, 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Interior, 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs "Mirror Room", 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Studies, Harbor Island
Theo Griggs Veranda (1), 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Veranda (2), 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Vestibule, Preliminary Study, 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Wallpaper Studies, 432 Summit Avenue
Theo Griggs Wallpaper Studies, 432 Summit Avenue
The oil cups know it's an : Alexander
The value of many useful things that can be made from leather depends upon the quality of the leather itself. . . :
The year 1919 at a glance : : make it clean quality, trouble free
Third Church of Christ, Scientist - Minneapolis
Third Church of Christ, Scientist - Minneapolis
Third Church of Christ, Scientist - Minneapolis
Third Church of Christ, Scientist - Minneapolis
Third Church of Christ, Scientist - Minneapolis
Third Church of Christ, Scientist - Minneapolis
Third Church of Christ, Scientist - Minneapolis
Third Church of Christ, Scientist - Minneapolis
Third Church of Christ, Scientist - Minneapolis
Third Church of Christ, Scientist - Minneapolis
Third Church of Christ, Scientist - Minneapolis
Third Church of Christ, Scientist - Minneapolis
Third Church of Christ, Scientist - Minneapolis
Third Church of Christ, Scientist - Minneapolis
Third Church of Christ, Scientist - Minneapolis
Third National Bank
Third National Bank
This Plan is Taken on Line "A-B" of Basement, Endicott Building, St. Paul, Minnesota
Thomas Andrews residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Thomas Daniels Guest Cottage