professor of pediatrics 1901-1906|Clinical Professor 1906-1913|Professor Emeritus 1913-|Professor of Ornithology and director, Museum of Natural History 1915-1945/46
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
professor of pediatrics 1901-1906|Clinical Professor 1906-1913|Professor Emeritus 1913-|Professor of Ornithology and director, Museum of Natural History 1915-1945/46
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
Color print of a male robin, facing left, perched on a leafy branch with red berries. Print after an original watercolor by Francis Lee Jaques. Part of a series of prints of birds printed by Barton-Cotton, Inc. Printed on reverse of sheet: "From Series 3 Originated by Betty Carnes / Executed in watercolor by Francis Lee Jaques / Approved by Amer...
Pencil drawing of rocky cliff faces, with field notes and color notations. Likely preparatory drawing for a diorama at the American Museum of Natural History.
Pencil drawing of rock cliffs, with field notes and color notations. Almost certainly created in preparation for a background for a diorama at the American Museum of Natural History, but the specific diorama has not been identified.
Pencil drawing of rock cliffs, with field notes and color notations. Almost certainly created in preparation for a background for a diorama at the American Museum of Natural History, but the specific diorama has not been identified.
The Penumbra Theatre Company Records' Production Records Collection contains materials related to Penumbra's productions records from various plays, set designs, costume designs, oversized production scripts, and programs.
Penumbra Theatre Company
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Archie Givens, Sr. Collection of African American Literature.