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2144 - 200 of 211599 results
Strand Theatre (Starland), St. Paul, Minnesota
Strand Theatre (Starland), St. Paul, Minnesota
Strand Theatre (Starland), St. Paul, Minnesota
Strand Theatre (Starland), St. Paul, Minnesota
Strand Theatre (Starland), St. Paul, Minnesota
Strand Theatre (Starland), St. Paul, Minnesota
Strand Theatre (Starland), St. Paul, Minnesota
Strand Theatre (Starland), St. Paul, Minnesota
Strand Theatre (Starland), St. Paul, Minnesota
Straub, Lorenz G
Straub, Lorenz G
Stream Below Twin Falls, Yohoo Valley
Stream through Woodlands
Stream with birches and red drapes
Street battle in Peking, China
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop.
Street drop depicting a cathedral and park .
Street drop depicting the NY Hotel Astor and a subway entrance.
Street drop with bank building and globe street lights.
Street drop with car and clock.
Street drop with stormy skies in the distance.
Street scene drop.
Street scene from New York City
Street scene in a village.
Street Scene, Worthington, Minnesota
Street vendor in Hankow
Street view of Jerusalem, Israel, with shepherds and sheep
Street View photograph of Bridgeman Fountain Service
Street View photograph of Gershons Hardware and Gouettes Butcher Shop, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Street View photograph of Mount Zion congregation in St. Paul, Minnesota
Street View photograph of Scharf Bros Drug Store, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Street View photograph of the B.W. Harris Manufacturing Co. building, St. Paul, Minnesota
Street View photograph of the Central Market Meats and Groceries, Superior, Wisconsin
Street View photograph of the Dupont Cash Market, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Street View photograph of the Elgo Theatre
Street View photograph of the Hirschorus Store, St. Paul, Minnesota
Street View photograph of the Oscar Weitzman's Uniform Store, St. Paul, Minnesota
Street View photograph of the Weiss family home, Austin, Minnesota
Streich , Mr and Mrs Eugene
Stretchers covered with sheets
Stretchers line the street
Strichman, George A.
"Striking Chords" with August Wilson's Seven Guitars Postcard
Strobilomyces strobilaceus
Strolling minstrels
St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
St. Teresa's School
St. Teresa's School
Student downhill skiing
Student downhill skiing
Student group during field session, year unkown
Student Group Visiting McCarthy
Student Health Service Ward
Student in Hostel
Student Monthly Journal (Drawer 39, Folder 1)
Student napping with headphones on in Kirby Student Center
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Pin
Student outside of Village Apartments in winter
Student Parade
Student Parade
Student Parade - Peking
Student patient, College of Dentistry, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Student Petitions. (Box 1, Folder 9)
Student relaxing in by fireplace lounge
Student relaxing in Kirby Student Center
Students and teacher at Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Students around a bonfire
Students at Summer Camp
Students cross-country skiing
Students cross-country skiing
Students downhill skiing, with figure in foreground with camera
Students dressed up at the University of Minnesota
Students from Scotland and China, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Students gathering in a lobby, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Students gathering outside, Minneapolis, Minnesota