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And if our lines should form, then break because of things you failed to make the extra tank, or ship, or plane for
And if our lines should form, then break because of things you failed to make the extra tank, or ship, or plane for
... and remember : USO : is a big part of the : National War Fund : and your United Community Campaign
An Enemy ear may be near -- : stop all loose talk to : strangers!
A New British battleship at sea
A New opportunity for experienced mechanics and radiomen : make sure by enlisting now : here is your opportunity : i
Angerhofer, Alvin Walter
An Impressive flight of the new "Hurricane II" fighter aircraft
An Invitation to : sabotage : fire : might stop war production : don't : let it happen here
Anker, Charles Arthur
Announcing! : new and higher : navy pay .
An Open letter to the unconquerable : Czechoslovaks
An Open letter to the unconquerable : Dutch
An Open letter to the unconquerable : Greeks
An Open letter to the unconquerable : Norwegians
An Open letter to the unconquerable : Poles
Anti-aircraft guns shoot enemy raiders from the skies
An Urgent plea: save waste paper : ... urgently needed for war production: store bags ...
AOS Conference in Toronto, 1939. (Box 3, Folder 42)
Appeasement : Czechoslovakia will live again
Appeasement : Czechoslovakia will live again
Appell am 23. Februar 1933. Nach einem Original von Professor Elk Eber. Text dazu im "Schulmann" Heft 3/1939
Appel pressant aux habitants de la region Parisienne
Arack, George
Arf a mo' : national service : needs you : learn now! -- be ready!
Armed with automatic weapons the British paratroops land
Armenian exhibit
Arms for Russia ... : a great convoy of British ships escorted by Soviet fighter planes sails into Murmansk harbour
Around the clock : around the world : keep 'em : pulling : for victory
ARP : 15,000 men wanted for first aid parties in London : apply : to your local council
ARP : national service : auxiliary firemen wanted : apply to your local fire brigade
ARP : women : wanted : apply: local branch women's voluntary services.
A Searchlight and its crew at work
A Small British ship shoots down a German plane -- an incident in the North Atlantic
A "Stirling" bomber is loaded up
A Strange sort of prayer : well, god... me down here, with a burning sun, a mess of insects... and other buddies jus
A Super -- heavyweight -- of very large calibre, this railway -- mounted gun is now used by the British army
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, Annual Report, 1939
A tous les Francais : La France a perdu une bataille! Mais la France n'a pas perdu la guerre!.
A tous les francais : la France a perdu une bataille! : mais la France n'a pas perdu la querre! : vive la France! :
At : Roebling : we can : flatten the jap! : and : help : Uncle Sam : win : the : war -- with wire! : the navy said w
At : Roebling : we can : soften up the axis! : and : help : Uncle Sam : win : the war -- with wire! : the navy said
At : Roebling : we can : stamp out the axis! : and help Uncle Sam -- win the war -- with wire! : the navy said we're
At : Roebling : we can : stiffen the axis! : and : help : Uncle Sam : win : the war -- with wire! : the navy said we
A.T.S. : ask for information at the nearest employment exchange or at any army or A.T.S. recruiting centre
ATS : every member of the ATS learns a job that will help her to earn her living in a post-war world ...
Attention! : the attention of all young men, who are citizens of the United States, is invited to the advantages inc
At war against the axis
A Ukrainian village at peace : Samuel Goldwyn presents : "The North star" : released through : R. K. O. Radio Pictur