Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) project #21-G03, "Roles for Multiple Auxin Biosynthetic Pathways," principal investigator Jerry Cohen. MAES project #21-018, "Regulation of Plant Growth and Development: Applied and Fundamental Approaches," P.I. Gary Gardner. MAES project #21-064, "Molecular Analysis of Floral Gene Expression," P....
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) project #21-G03, "Roles for Multiple Auxin Biosynthetic Pathways," principal investigator Jerry Cohen. MAES project #21-018, "Regulation of Plant Growth and Development: Applied and Fundamental Approaches," P.I. Gary Gardner. MAES project #21-064, "Molecular Analysis of Floral Gene Expression," P....
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) project #21-G03, "Roles for Multiple Auxin Biosynthetic Pathways," principal investigator Jerry Cohen. MAES project #21-018, "Regulation of Plant Growth and Development: Applied and Fundamental Approaches," P.I. Gary Gardner. MAES project #21-064, "Molecular Analysis of Floral Gene Expression," P....
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) project #21-G03, "Roles for Multiple Auxin Biosynthetic Pathways," principal investigator Jerry Cohen. MAES project #21-018, "Regulation of Plant Growth and Development: Applied and Fundamental Approaches," P.I. Gary Gardner. MAES project #21-064, "Molecular Analysis of Floral Gene Expression," P....
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) project #21-G03, "Roles for Multiple Auxin Biosynthetic Pathways," principal investigator Jerry Cohen. MAES project #21-018, "Regulation of Plant Growth and Development: Applied and Fundamental Approaches," P.I. Gary Gardner. MAES project #21-064, "Molecular Analysis of Floral Gene Expression," P....
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) project #21-G03, "Roles for Multiple Auxin Biosynthetic Pathways," principal investigator Jerry Cohen. MAES project #21-018, "Regulation of Plant Growth and Development: Applied and Fundamental Approaches," P.I. Gary Gardner. MAES project #21-064, "Molecular Analysis of Floral Gene Expression," P....
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) project #21-G03, "Roles for Multiple Auxin Biosynthetic Pathways," principal investigator Jerry Cohen. MAES project #21-018, "Regulation of Plant Growth and Development: Applied and Fundamental Approaches," P.I. Gary Gardner. MAES project #21-064, "Molecular Analysis of Floral Gene Expression," P....
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
Hand-painted and handwritten label for the painting "The Travels of Florence and Lee Jaques on Land and Sea. "Watercolor and ink on cardboard. A banderole against an ombre background states: "The Travels of Florence and Lee Jaques / on Land and Sea / Florence-blue line; Lee-red line; Both-violet line." Previously the label was affixed to the sur...
This sign was on the door of a lab. It has a cartoon image of a bear sleeping in a snowy cave, and reads: "This Lab Has Been Placed Into Temporary Hibernation. Critical equipment and experiments have been properly shut down and chemicals/samples are properly stored. No activity is occurring in this lab as of: March 17, 2020." The sign also inclu...
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
University of Minnesota alternative crops research from 1948 to present. Evaluation of 225 plant species from 26 families. Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station project 13-36, "Uncommon, New or Little-Researched Crops in Minnesota," primary researcher was Robert George Robinson. Production guides developed for 22 crops.
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
University of Minnesota alternative crops research from 1948 to present. Evaluation of 225 plant species from 26 families. Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station project 13-36, "Uncommon, New or Little-Researched Crops in Minnesota," primary researcher was Robert George Robinson. Production guides developed for 22 crops.
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
Talk delivered by Arnold J. Weber at the 21st annual Institute sponsored by the University of Minnesota College of Business Administration and the Graduate School of Business Administration Alumni Association on November 19th. Mr. Weber is really Dr. Weber with a Doctor's degree from Massachussetts Institute of Technology. He is currently servin...
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM; University of Minnesota. Audio Visual Library Services
Weber, Arnold R.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
The note attached to this photo reads: "Labor Union Aids Home for Aged Italian Drive--Anthony G. Santosuosso, president, General Building Committee of Labor Union Local 151, yesterday presented his union's contribution to the $150,000 Home for Italian Aged campaign. Left to right: Santosuosso, Joseph L. Bonfiglio, the union's business representa...
Lenscraft Photos, Boston, Mass.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
Minnesota Issues was a half-hour weekly television program produced by University Media Resources of the University of Minnesota that was broadcast on public television channel KTCA, St. Paul. The program was produced and hosted by former Minneapolis mayor and University public affairs professor Arthur Naftalin from 1976 to 1988. [broadcast Sept...
University of Minnesota. University Media Resources
Naftalin, Arthur; Gustafson, Jan; R.U. (Engineer)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.