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University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players in a line on the field
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players in a line on the field
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Jason Delmedico #58 and Dale Wolf #47 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Jason Delmedico #58 and Dale Wolf #47 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Jason Jones #34 and Brian Oman #65 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Jason W Jones #74 and Scott Graunke #60
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Jeff Holubar #92, Nate Miller #56, and Brian DeDominces #44 rushing opponent's offensive line
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Jeff Holubar #92, Steve Blackmarr #62, and Nate Miller #56 celebrating in the end zone
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Jeff Nedland #21 and Kelly Hanna #22 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Jeff Paris #5 and Garret Hjelle #85 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Jeff Walker #86 and Troy Ausmus #46 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Jeff Wenngatz #5, Dale Wolf #47, and Tim Rohweder #64 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Jeremy Zahler #70, Shawn Racine #26, Scott Graunke #60, and Eric Mayer #75 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Jim Jablonski #34, Eric Kaiser #36, Kirk Johnson #28, and John Economos #88
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Jim Malosky Jr. #10 and Mark Holsten #50 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Joel DeMoulin #90 and Korey Jazdewski #79 rushing the quarterback
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players John Drazenovich #88, Stan Johnson #92, Bob Visina #78, and Wally (Skip) Fontaine posing
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players John Drazenovich #99 and Lino Rauzi #73 holding a football together
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Jon Lamers #87, Scott Graunke #54, Clayton Handt #65, and Joel DeMoulin #90 celebrating after a play
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Kohlts, E. Galarneault, McDowell, Wherely, Tusler, B. Gallarneault, F. Murphy
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Lance Sage #24, Jason Wolf #27, Dale Roehl #28, Lance Harstad #42, Mark Adler #70, and others in a huddle
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Lane Harsted #42 and Scott Concannon #87 attacking the ball carrier
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Mark Callaway #40 and Jason Wolf #27 making a tackle
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Mark Drummerhausen #15, Nate Daigle #22, Tom Tritt #20, Rob Tadych #82, and others talking in a huddle
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Mark Turcott #78 and Chip Richards #34 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Mark Turcott #78, Wayne Preston #40, and Phil Peichel #44
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Mike Louhi #30 and Dennis Rengo #22 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Nate Thompson #6 and Seth Smolich #38 running onto the field
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players on the bench with coats on, with cheerleaders in the background
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Randy Fietek and Eric Rajala
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players ready to return the punt
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Ron Viaene #54 and Jon Lamers #87 rushing the passer
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Ron Viaene #54, Joe Demolin #90, and others
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players running onto the field
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Ryan Capelle #20 and Tony Poncelet #92 celebrating
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Sam Hardwig #45 and Dave Floysand #12 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Sam Hardwig #45 and Josh Sandell #23 talking on the field
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Scott Conant #85, Tim Rohweder #79, and Jason Jones #34 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Scott Larson #36 and Andreas Gehring #90 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Scott Munger #35 and Dave Emerson #71 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Sean Callahan #84 and Mark Adler #70 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players set on line of scrimmage
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Shawn Racine #26, Jim Wagner #73, and others action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players sitting on the bench
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Slats Fairbanks #14 with trophy and Pete Furo #40
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players standing around coach at practice
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players standing in a row, helmeted
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players standing on field
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Steve Peterson #34, Tom Rapps #82, and Jeff Sajdak #27 and coach Mike (Mo) Thomas on the field
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Steve Siroin #82, Mark Callaway #40, and Ron Terres #27 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Steve Kragseth kicking the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Steve Paun #63 crouching on field
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Steve Peterson #34 diving
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Steve Sands #24 throwing the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Steve Siroin #82 jumping in the air trying to block a pass
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Steve Skildum #56 still shot pose
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Tim Flint #32, Sam Hardwig #45, and Trevor Theelke #16 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Tim Flint, Josh Sandel, and Trevor Theelke action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Tim Sitarz #92, Ron Viaene #54, and Korey Jazdewski #79 walking off field
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Tim Wille #66 and Kurt King #68 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Tom Rapps #82 and Corey Veech #20 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Tom Stoll #30 and others action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Trevor Theelke #16, Aaron Wollenberg #59, and C.J. LaCourse #71 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Trevor Theelke #16, Aaron Wollenberg #59,Troy Breitlow #68, and Peter Olson #66 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Trevor Theelke, Sam Hardwig, and Kurt King action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Troy Ausmus #46 and Chuck Masloski #10 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Troy Ausmus #46 and Scott Stoyanoff #34 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Stu Johnson #94 individual shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Walter Magjete #25 and Chris Westberg #20 being tackled by opponents
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Wes Bonine #80 and Josh Sandell #23 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football players Wes Bonine #80, Jason Jones #34, and Chris Tschida #10 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Terry Ergerdahl #44 making one-handed catch
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Tim Flint #32 running on field looking back at the play
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Todd Erickson defending pass play
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Tom Murray #26 catching the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Tom Murray #26 running with the ball fighting off tackles
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Tom Stoll #30 action shot with ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Tony Fraser #31 running the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Trevor Theelke #16 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Trevor Theelke #16 being tackled with the ball while running
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Trevor Theelke #16 calling out a play
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Trevor Theelke #16 kicking the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Trevor Theelke #16 with the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Trevor Theelke #16 with the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Troy Anderson #16 with a diving catch
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Trrevor Theelke #16 running with ball through the gap
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Walter Thygeson posing with hands on hips and helmet in hand
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Wayne Rau #52 individual shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Wayne Shutter individual shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player with no helmet posing for picture holding ball in front of him like he received a snap or a pitch out
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football practice field with players doing drills, coaches and tackle dummies on sidelines
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football practice with coaches watching
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football quarterback #12 handing the ball off
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football quarterback #16 handing ball off to a back (#48), with #30 ready to block
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football Roger Decalgney in University of Minnesota Duluth sweatshirt
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football sack
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football sign for fans "C'mon Crowd, Let ABC Hear UMD"
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football snap with players #59, Trevor Theelke #16, and #69
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football snap with players #59, Trevor Theelke #16, and #69
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football staff posing on field