Many planar spatially extended systems exhibit localized standing structures such as pulses and oscillons. In particular, such structures can emerge at Turing and forced Hopf bifurcations. In this talk, I will give an overview of these mechanisms and show how geometric blow-up techniques can be used to analyze them: among the findings is the bif...
Sandstede, Bjorn (Brown University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
While the theory of nonlinear waves in partial differential equations is very well developed, understanding travelling waves in systems posed on lattices is challenging, and many basic questions remain open. Indeed, travelling waves on lattices can be found only by solving functional differential equations of mixed mode, which are ill-posed as i...
Sandstede, Bjorn (Brown University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Each of these three posters contains a piece of digital art exploring an aspect of life during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first poster contains a digital drawing of a laptop computer with a Zoom meeting on the screen. The people in the grid are featureless andare set against colorful backgrounds. Keys on the keyboard spell out the word "caged." ...
Sandstrom, Kaitlyn
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Data assimilation is the process by which PDE-based models use measurements to produce an optimal representation of the state of the system. Different measurements bring different contributions to reducing uncertainty in the inference results. Quantifying the impact of observations is important for data pruning and for the configuration of senso...
Sandu, Adrian (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Local algorithms like gradient descent are widely used in non-convex optimization, typically with few guarantees on performance. In this talk we consider the class of problems given bymin_{U,V} f(UV')where f is a convex function on the space of matrices. The problem is non-convex, but "only" because we adopt the bi-linear factored representation...
Sanghavi, Sujay (The University of Texas at Austin)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Black and white photograph of James Galway with flute. Signed: "To my friends in the Minnesota Orchestra with best wishes and thanks for a great time. - James Galway 16/10/92"
Sangiamo, Nick
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Performing Arts Archives.
We provide evidence that networks representing social interactions, as measured and archived by electronic communication systems, such as friendship, collaboration, co-authorship, web, peer-to-peer and other kindred networks, exhibit strong hyperbolicity in the sense of Gromov (4-point delta being much smaller than the graph diameter). We outlin...
Saniee, Iraj (Alcatel-Lucent Technologies Bell Laboratories)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Statistical power to detect associations in genome-wide association studies can be enhanced by combining data across studies in meta-analysis or replication studies. Such methods require data to flow freely in the scientific community, however, and this raises privacy concerns.Till recently, many studies pooled individuals together, making only ...
Sankararaman, Sriram (Harvard Medical School)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
""500th thousand.""; 256, 29 hymns.; With music.; ""Gypsy Smith special supplement to Hallowed hymns, new and old"": p. [257]-[288].; Includes indexes.
122 hymns; with music. Staff notation. ""This collection of hymns and tunes which is to be known as ""Gospel Hymns No. 3,"" has been selected with great care, each hymn having been submitted to and passed upon by a Committee of brethren who have had very large experience in the use of this class of hymns. The book contains an unusually large num...
Sankey, Ira David, 1840-1908; McGranahan, James; Stebbins, George Coles, 1846-1945
Relief shown pictorially "H. Iaillot, joignant les grands Augustins aux Deux Globes...1676." "Dressé sur les memoires les plus nouveaux, par le Sr. Sanson, geographe ordinaire du Roy, 1681."
Sanson, Guillaume
Jaillot, Alexis Hubert, 1632?-1712
1681; 1676
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, John R. Borchert Map Library.