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Photo stat of the 32nd degree camp scene from Atlanta.
Pink and green marble interior.
Quarry backdrop.
Quarry cut drop.
Red, white, and blue tabernacle surrounded by a white fence.
Rough and cut stone tomb setting surrounded by foliage.
Rough draft for Egyptian throne scene.
Rough draft for Hiram Abiff's tomb.
Rough draft for interior of an architect space.
Rough draft for King Solomon's Temple.
Rough draft for palatial interior.
Rough draft for rugged landscape with cavern opening.
Rough draft for the hall of justice.
Rough draft of a bridge.
Rough draft of a carpenter shop.
Rough draft of Blue Lodge room.
Rough draft of garden patio.
Rough draft of King Cyrus' treasure room.
Rough draft of palatial interior depicting the five orders of architecture.
Rough draft of stone quarry backdrop.
Rough draft of stone vault.
Rough draft of stone vault.
Rough draft of the crucifixion scene.
Rough draft of utility drop for Galveston castle drop.
Rough drafts of the crucifixion.
Rounded stone to cover cavern opening.
Royal arch stone interior backdrop with wooden doorway.
Royal Arch stone leg drop.
Rugged mountain drop with cavern opening.
Ruined temple backdrop.
Ruined temple leg drop.
Sanctum Sanctorium in backdrop with central scrim insert.
Sanctum Sanctorium in mourning.
Sanctum Sanctorium in mourning.
Sanctum Sanctorium in mourning backdrop.
Sanctum Sanctorium in Mourning leg drop
Six gray columns in front of black drapes, decorated with silver teardrops.
Stone brick and wooden beam interior.
Stone leg drop.
The birth of Jesus Christ.
Tomb scene backdrop with coffin and three skulls.
Treasure room backdrop.
Treasure Room backdrop.
Treasure room cut drop with bars in a large archway.
Treasure room cut drop with netting.
Treasure room lit by a small window.
Veil of Tears backdrop with central scrim insert.
Volcano backdrop with lake and palms in foreground.
Volcano scene with very wide green river.
Woodland backdrop with distant hills.