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2165 - 200 of 214893 results
Sketch of a forest and a stream.
Sketch of a forest with cabin in a clearing.
Sketch of a fort with bench - section A.
Sketch of a frame with Viking and American Indian composition.
Sketch of a garden arch with flowers.
Sketch of a garden wall.
Sketch of a garden wall and stone bench.
Sketch of a gate with a tree.
Sketch of a grassy hill, grape arbor and barrel.
Sketch of a ground plan of panorama.
Sketch of a hallway with exotic birds.
Sketch of a hay bale.
Sketch of a hayloft.
Sketch of a hotel lobby.
Sketch of a hotel lobby depicted through an archway.
Sketch of a house and a tree.
Sketch of a house exterior.
Sketch of a house exterior.
Sketch of a house exterior.
Sketch of a house, shed, and barn.
Sketch of a house with construction in the back.
Sketch of a hunting scene with spectators.
Sketch of American Indians and a Viking ship.
Sketch of a Mexican scene with adobe house, fountain, cacti, palm trees, men on burros and a woman.
Sketch of a Minneapolis parade float, the banner states "Welcome to My Guests."
Sketch of an ad drop with a central cathedral image.
Sketch of an American Indian climbing on rocks.
Sketch of an arch framing a landscape with a barn.
Sketch of anchored Viking ship.
Sketch of an Eastern garden.
Sketch of an Eastern palace near a river.
Sketch of an elevator entrance.
Sketch of an entrance to a boat landing.
Sketch of an exterior hotel wall with doors.
Sketch of an exterior with a gazebo.
Sketch of an oval floorplan.
Sketch of a palatial interior.
Sketch of a parlor with factory scene on stage.
Sketch of a patio with awning
Sketch of a proscenium arch with field grass.
Sketch of a real estate house/office.
Sketch of a residential area and city park.
Sketch of a saloon interior labeled "Roaring Gulch Saloon."
Sketch of a ship.
Sketch of a ship's ballroom.
Sketch of a ship's deck.
Sketch of a sleigh, a rabbit, birch trees.
Sketch of a southwestern ranch.
Sketch of a steam ship deck.
Sketch of a street and buildings with bay windows.
Sketch of a street with buildings and street lights.
Sketch of a sunset over river with high banks.
Sketch of a trail along lake.
Sketch of automobiles in a park with columns.
Sketch of automobiles on road near a lake house.
Sketch of a Viking and American Indian battle.
Sketch of a Viking ship.
Sketch of a Viking ship.
Sketch of a Viking ship.
Sketch of a Viking ship at sea.
Sketch of a Viking ship on a Norwegian flag.
Sketch of a walled yard with stone buildings.
Sketch of a water with a beach in the distance.
Sketch of a wood drop.
Sketch of a wood drop.
Sketch of a wood drop.
Sketch of a wood drop.
Sketch of a wood drop with building.
Sketch of a wood drop with buildings.
Sketch of a woodland scene.
Sketch of a wood scene.
Sketch of building facade.
Sketch of buildings and park.
Sketch of cityscape.
Sketch of cityscape.
Sketch of cityscape with church tower and other commercial buildings.
Sketch of Couple Boat in Background
Sketch of door treatments.
Sketch of Egyptian motifs and paintings
Sketch of European street with a bridge and city gate.
Sketch of Family
Sketch of Female Indian and Male Soldier
Sketch of Fort Jackson (front elevation).
Sketch of full front street and advertising.
Sketch of grain bags.
Sketch of grain bags and a door.
Sketch of houses and a street.
Sketch of Indian Greeting Man
Sketch of Indian Greeting Soldier
Sketch of Kate's Saloon (front elevation).
Sketch of King Solomon's Temple.
Sketch of King Solomon's throne room, overlooking the Temple entrance.
Sketch of large building with porch and garden on street.
Sketch of large porch and flower market.
Sketch of Man
Sketch of Man Walking under Lantern
Sketch of Northern European harbor.
Sketch of Pilgrim Family Roasting Turkey
Sketch of proposed clock for living room
Sketch of pumpkins, frogs, insects, and field grass.