Watercolor painting of several goldeneyes (here called whistle-wings) in a gray winter landscape. Three birds are floating in the river that runs through the scene; a pair is swooping down to the water, and a second pair sits on the bank in the foreground. This artwork belongs to a series of fifteen unsigned watercolors on white paper with round...
Lithograph print depicting two tundra swans, which at the time this artwork was created were known as whistling swans. This print, by wildlife artist Stanley Stearns, is the second edition of a design that was used as the 1966 Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp, colloquially known as a duck stamp. (Francis Lee Jaques had desig...
"The Birds of Minnesota,Ó by Thomas Sadler Roberts, was published in 1932 by the University of Minnesota Press. Allan Cyril Brooks (1869-1946) was an ornithologist and artist who in addition to painting the plates for "The Birds of Minnesota,Ó contributed illustrations to ornithological publications and the "Birds of Western Canada,Ó "Birds o...
Bell Museum of Natural History
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
Tablet machine. Lever-type tablet machine made from iron; painted black with gold decorations; large lever brings down compression rod onto a small, elevated platform where the compression dies is located; pieces fitted together with copper bolts and screws. Tablets or compressed pills were a mid-19th century innovation introduced by English inv...
Whitall Tatum Company (Millville, New Jersey)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Owen H. Wangensteen Historical Library of Biology and Medicine.
Thermometer. Black leather case with cap that slides on; glass and mercury thermometer with the mercury-containing end bent double so that it is parallel to the rest of the thermometer body; graduated scale up to 110 degrees Celsius. Includes manufacturer markings ""Whitall Tatum & Co. Pat. June 2985."" Whitall, Tatum & Co.'s price list from 188...
Whitall Tatum Company (Millville, New Jersey)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Owen H. Wangensteen Historical Library of Biology and Medicine.
Suppository machine. Cast iron machine painted black; piston operated with a large lever handle at top of the machine; piston presses into a small funnel with brass insert; below funnel is a brass, two piece rectangular mold with concave indents for 3 suppositories; mold has a T-shaped handle on one side; mold is secured in the machine with the...
Whitall Tatum Company (Millville, New Jersey)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Owen H. Wangensteen Historical Library of Biology and Medicine.
Pencil drawing of White Ash tree. Study for tree later used in Victor H. Cahalane, "The Mammals of North America" (1946), in the entry on "Beaver," page 453.
Photographs from University of Minnesota Duluth Theatre’s 2012 production of White Baby. Run dates: November 1-10, 2012. Venue: Marshall Performing Arts Center Dudley Experimental Theatre. Director: Andy Bennett. Cast list--Eva: Kate Zehr; Hans: Joshua Stenvick; Marie: Caity Shea Violette; Lars: Daniel Novick; EsmereIda: Amanda Sjodahl; Vivi: Ma...
Olivieri, Joe
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
The whiteboard was located on the second floor of the KAM Library. It reads: "Masks MUST be worn at all times - Over your NOSE + MOUTH. ONLY sit at marked spots - 1 person/table. ALL people must maintain 6' distance. Please follow these few protocols to help us keep the library open." Also visible in the photograph are a hand sanitizer dispenser...
Aue, Shana
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Photos taken from or near Sea Gull Lake and at the end of the Gunflint Trail. University of Minnesota, Agricultural Experiment Station project #40-020, "Forest Response to Environmental Change: An Approach to Multiple Interactions," principal investigator: Peter B. Reich, scientist: Lee Frelich.
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
Photos taken from or near Sea Gull Lake and at the end of the Gunflint Trail. University of Minnesota, Agricultural Experiment Station project #40-020, "Forest Response to Environmental Change: An Approach to Multiple Interactions," principal investigator: Peter B. Reich, scientist: Lee Frelich.
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
Photos taken from or near Sea Gull Lake and at the end of the Gunflint Trail. University of Minnesota, Agricultural Experiment Station project #40-020, "Forest Response to Environmental Change: An Approach to Multiple Interactions," principal investigator: Peter B. Reich, scientist: Lee Frelich.
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
Change in the boreal forest, forest ecology research in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area WIlderness by Lee Frelich, University of Minnesota. Studies before and after the July 4, 1999 blowdown and this site visit months after a spring 2007 forest fires. University of Minnesota, Agricultural Experiment Station project #40-020, "Forest Response to En...
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
Photos taken from or near Sea Gull Lake and at the end of the Gunflint Trail. University of Minnesota, Agricultural Experiment Station project #40-020, "Forest Response to Environmental Change: An Approach to Multiple Interactions," principal investigator: Peter B. Reich, scientist: Lee Frelich.
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
The Penumbra Theatre Company Records' Production Records Collection contains materials related to Penumbra's productions records from various plays, set designs, costume designs, oversized production scripts, and programs.
Penumbra Theatre Company
1992 - 1993
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Archie Givens, Sr. Collection of African American Literature.
White Folks is part of Welcome to Cleveland, Home of the... a series of prints dealing with issues of stereotyping Native Americans and other racial groups.
Oscar Arredondo
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies.
Watercolor painting of six white-fronted geese standing or sitting on the banks of a marsh. Gray and cloudy skies, with three sets of geese flying in V formation. Image enclosed in a rectangular painted frame. This artwork belongs to a series of fifteen unsigned watercolors on white paper with rounded edges. These are early, possibly childhood w...
Hans Jager/Jaeger, state agent for the Minnesota State Public School for Dependent and Neglected Children, kept flocks of geese, ducks, and other fowl that he bred in captivity at his home in Owatonna, Minnesota.
Bell Museum of Natural History
Roberts, Thomas Sadler, 1858-1946 (Photographer)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
"The Birds of Minnesota,Ó by Thomas Sadler Roberts, was published in 1932 by the University of Minnesota Press. Allan Cyril Brooks (1869-1946) was an ornithologist and artist who in addition to painting the plates for "The Birds of Minnesota,Ó contributed illustrations to ornithological publications and the "Birds of Western Canada,Ó "Birds o...
Bell Museum of Natural History
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
Pencil drawing of seventeen birds representing three species. white hawk drawing (seven uppermost sketches) have some shading, while screaming hawk and Mexican cormorant drawings are contour drawings. Left sixth of paper demarcated with a vertical line, with extensive pencil notes that identify birds or give information on color and behavior.
Minnesota Issues was a half-hour weekly television program produced by University Media Resources of the University of Minnesota that was broadcast on public television channel KTCA, St. Paul. The program was produced and hosted by former Minneapolis mayor and University public affairs professor Arthur Naftalin from 1976 to 1988. [broadcast Febr...
University of Minnesota. University Media Resources
Naftalin, Arthur; Ramberg, Leonard; Sehlin, Katherine; Marlow, Andrew (Producer)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.