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Norman Schatell Artwork
Norman Schatell Artwork
Norman Schatell Artwork
Norman Schatell Artwork
Norman Schatell Artwork
Norman Schatell Artwork
Norman Schatell Artwork
Norman Schatell Artwork
Norman Schatell Artwork
Norman Schatell Artwork
Norman Schatell Artwork
Norman Schatell Artwork
Norman Schatell Artwork
Norman Schatell Artwork
Norman Schatell Artwork
Norman Schatell Artwork
Oaxaca, Mexico, ca. 1960. ? Professor James Moriarty
Oh, my God! Helen! It was the band! The speckled band!
Oh, my God! Helen! It was the band! The speckled band!
Opera "Sherlocko"
Originals used in Baker Street Journal, Page 1
Originals used in Baker Street Journal, Page 2
Originals used in Baker Street Journal, Page 3
Originals used in Baker Street Journal, Page 4
Originals used in Baker Street Journal Page 5
Originals used in Baker Street Journal, Page 6
Pilgrimage Site
Pin and Ball Game, Thompson Indians, Pacific Northwest Canada
Pipe, Tinglit, Pacific Northwest Canada
Poor chap's delirious-one minute it's his shoulder-next minute his leg.
Promiscuous Straying of Animals on the Moors is Forbidden
Really Holmes, you must be off!
Schatell letter to Mr. Rachlis
Season's Greetings
Seated Figure Holding Bowl Surmounted By A Head, Africa, Luba Tribe Kantaga
Seated figure with another seated on its knees, 19" high. Jalisco, Mexico. 1000 A.D.
Sepik, New Guinea, Twentieth Century
Sherlock and the 3 Pipes or A Unique Pipe for 3-Pipe Problems
Sherlock Holmes Big Circus Side-Show
Sherlock Holmes Book of Impractical Arts & Crafts, Page 2 w/ notes
Sherlock Holmes, Haniwa Burial Mound Clay Figure, Japan 200-399 A.D.
Sherlock Holmes Hotel
Sherlock Holmes in Folk Art (After Vivolo)
Sherlock Holmes in Ritual Art, Central Africa
Sherlock Holmes look-alike contest
Sherlockian Remarks For Every Occasion
Sherlockian Remarks For Every Occasion #2
Southwest U.S. Zuni Indians, date unkown
Sumerian Iran ca. 1750 B.C.
Swivel Head Water Spirit Figure. Worn by Shaman in dances. Attached to blanket. Tinglit. Pacific Northwest Canada