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2174 - 200 of 215561 results
Sojourner Truth
Solanum melongena (Solanaceae)
Solanum melongena (Solanaceae)
Solanum melongena (Solanaceae)
Solanum melongena (Solanaceae)
Solanum nigrum
Solanum tuberosum (Solanaceae)
Solanum tuberosum (Solanaceae)
Solders Playing Billiards at Fort Slocum
Soldiers in White: YMCA hospitals, clinics and health teams carry on the unremitting fight against epidemics in China.
Soldiers' Monument. Minneapolis Campus
Soldiers' Monument. Minneapolis Campus
Soldiers' Monument. Minneapolis Campus
Soldiers' Monument. Minneapolis Campus
Soldiers' Monument. Minneapolis Campus
Soldiers' Monument. Minneapolis Campus
Soldiers' Monument. Minneapolis Campus
Soldiers' Monument. Minneapolis Campus
Soliciting aid for Czech children
Solidago canadensis
Solidago canadensis close-up
Solidago on the shore of Vadnais Lake
Sol Minsberg Putting on Tefillin at the Old Beth El Synagogue, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sol Minsberg Reading Tefillin Prayer
Solo dancer, looking at her feet (landscape style, white fold lines on photo)
Solomon's temple ruins cut drop.
Solomon's temple ruins cut drop.
Solomon's throne room leg drop.
Solo woman, in sandals and pointing
Solo woman, looking at her feet (more zoomed in, no white lines)
Solo Woman, standing
Solo woman, wearing a headband
Solo woman, wearing white and black, zoomed in
Sol Tax - Urban Indians
Some Minnesota History - Steaming Up the River
Some of the coffins for the dead.
Some of the girl guides even carried parade equipment.
Sonda bukhani "wedding turban"
Song Sparrow nest and eggs, from a mounted print photograph
Sonnet to a Baker Street Regular
Sons of Jacob Shul Morning Minyan, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sons of Jacob Shul Morning Minyan, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sons of Jacob Shul Morning Minyan, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sons of Jacob Synagogue Exterior, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sons of Jacob Synagogue Interior, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sons of Jacob Synagogue Interior, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sons of Jacob Synagogue Interior, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sons of Zion Congregation synagogue exterior, St. Paul, Minnesota
Soof counted stitch embroidered bukani
Soof counted stitch embroidery wall hanging
Soof embroidered bukani
Soof embroidered bukani
Soof embroidered cover for food
Soof embroidered protective cover for food
Soof embroidered protective cover for food
Soof embroidered wall hanging
Soof embroidered woolen scarf
Soof embroidered woolen scarf
Soof embroidered woolen scarf
Soof embroidered woolen scarf
Sorbus americana
Sorbus sp. (Rosaceae)
Sorcerer's Apprentice
S, Ordered index cards to the glass plate and film negatives (Index Cards)
Sorenson, Herbert
Sotre Building F/Standard Groceries
Sould Essence: Many Shades, Different Colors, One Identity!
Sound of Music and Jerome's, Dinkytown, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sounds That Trip on the Tongue
Source for the 32nd degree military encampment tent lay out.
South Africa, undated (Series 1, Box 36, Folder 8)
South Dakota-101 Source Data Terminal
Southdale Shopping Center (N 1)
Southdale Shopping Center (N 1)
Southeast Asian belt
Southeast Asian tribal women's lungi
Southern Alps, New Zealand from near sea level
Southern School of Agriculture, Waseca. Edward C. Frederick, Superintendent.
Southern Slopes and Valleys near Lake City
South Field Support Center, Board Orientation Manual, undated. (Box 7, Folder 12)
South Grade School
South Grade School
South Grade School
South Grade School
South Grade School
South Grade School
South Grade School
South Grade School
South Indian bandhani sari
South Indian box
South Indian brass screen placed behind religious statues
South Indian ogurli brass cooking pot
South Indian silk dupatta
South Indian silk sari
South Indian women's cotton lungi
Southwest of Waubun, Minnesota
Southwest U.S. Zuni Indians, date unkown
Souvenir brass representation of the Char Minar, Hyderabad