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Citrus medica surface view
City and harbor, and Kowloon at left
City and harbor and Kowloon beyond
City and harbor and Kowloon beyond
City Children's Nutcracker Flyer
City & county map of New-York, Brooklyn, Williamsburgh, Jersey City & adjacent waters
City-County Work survey, 1930 (Box 3, Folder 3)
City Dairy Headquarters, image from a print photograph
City from Cerro Panecillo, community laundry
City Furniture Company
City gate with domes and minarets in the distance.
City gate with two deceased bodies draped over the steps.
City Hall & Court House, Brass Rails in Council Chamber
City Hall & Court House, Fourth Street Entrance, Plan of the Fourth Street Entrance Changes
City Hall & Court House, Fourth Street Entrance, Repairs and Alterations
City Hall & Court House, Wood Window Jambs
City Hall, Marion, Ala.
City Hall, Minneapolis, Minnesota
City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Coty. Michigan
City of Boston-Park Department, Marine Park grading plan