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41 - 40 of 1446 results
Jeff Hackworth, Saxophonist, on Jazz the Way the Old Guys Played, February 2013
Jeff Halper, Anthropologist, on the Israel-Palestine conflict, March 2007
Jeffrey Broadbent, Professor of Sociology, on the Fukushima nuclear disaster, March 2011
Jeffrey Pilcher, Professor of History, on Mexican Food, August 2011
Jennifer Brier, Professor of Gender Studies, on LGBT History, April 2013
Jennifer Linde and Daniel Brouwer, Communications Scholars, Aug. 2015
Jennifer Streb, Art Historian and Curator, Mar. 2014
Jeremy Iggers, Journalist, on Ethics, Jan. 2014
Jerry Blue, Librarian and Storyteller, Aug. 2014
Jessica Shaykett, Crafts Librarian, Aug. 2015
Jigna Desai, Prof. of Gender, Women, & Sexuality, Aug. 2015
Jill Van Der Wal, Farmer, on Cattle Rearing, July 2012
Jim Lutz, Professor of Architecture, on Architecture in Haiti
Jodie Ahern, Artist, on the Women's Art Institute, Jul. 2013
Joe Amato, Author and Teacher, on Education and History, Feb. 2014
Joe Domeier, Farm Manager, on his Community Farm, September 2012
Joe Gergen, Author, on His Work, July 2014
Joel Chadabe, Composer, on Interactive Systems, February 2013
Joel Ryan, Composer, on his Music, February 2009
Joe Paddock, Poet and Environmentalist, May 2014