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The Word Carrier, April-May 1886, August-November 1887, January 1898, May 1898, August-October 1898, February 1899, August-October 1900, May-June 1914. (Box 2, Folder 10)
A catalogue of the different specimens of cloth collected in the three voyages of Captain Cook, to the Southern Hemisphere : with a particular account of the manner of manufacturing the same in the various islands of the South Seas : partly extracted from Mr. Anderson and Reinhold Forster's observations, and the verbal account of some of the most knowing of the navigators : with some anecdotes that happened to them among the natives
Cavour Hartley family trip to Chicago and New York State
Cavour Hartley family visit to Judith Hartley Lewis in Miami, Florida - Blimps at Miami Beach - Seaplanes - Flight to Havana, Cuba - Cooper River Bridge, Charlestown, SC - Allied Chemical Plant, Hopewell, VA - Hartley family golfing - Footrace - Captain Horace H. Thompson diving in Lake Superior - Trap shooting - Small planes at Otis Lodge on Sugar Lake
Cavour Hartley family winter activities - St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Caroline Woodward Hartley - Electric car - Cavour Hartley's birthday - Clearing the driveway in the spring - Wren house - Baseball - Boxing - Grounds at 3800 East Superior Street
Cavour Hartley's Class of 1912 reunion at Yale University
Cleveland Air Races - Flying over Duluth - Peabody's Ferry on Superior Bay - Swimming at Wolf Lake - Norrie Fuller Munger and Ethel Munger - Hailstones in June
Golf - Charles Harold Munger and Helen Williams Fuller Munger - Hartley office - Island Farm in winter - Outdoor hockey - Magnus "Mike" Goodman
Golf - Summer at Wolf Lake Camp - Summer in Deerwood, MN - Cavour Hartley's reunion at Yale
Great Lakes excursion on the William P. Palmer Part 1
Great Lakes excursion on the William P. Palmer Part 2 - Guilford and Cavour Hartley's winter road trip to the Western United States - Pike Lake - Making maple syrup at the Sugar Camp
Hill School - Deer hunting at Wolf Lake Camp - Drilling - Congdon Park School - Wolf Lake Camp - Sugar Camp - Fishing at Lake Vermilion - Hartley Stock Farm at Page, North Dakota - Shore of Lake Superior
Hill School - Yale University - Rowing at Yale - Shooting rifles by Lake Superior - Trip to South Dakota - Stratobowl - Mount Rushmore - Rodeo - 3800 East Superior Street gardens
Letter from Mr. Carrel, Orleans, France, to Monsieur Carrel et Cie., Lyon,
Letter from William Carpenter, Sarum, England, to John DeWolf, Antwerp, Belgium,
Logging and skiing at Wolf Lake Camp - Lemonade stand - Mowing the lawn - Parade for President Calvin Coolidge - Summer at Wolf Lake Camp - Onigum Duck Club - Driving down Thompson Hill - Deer Hunt at Wolf Lake Camp - Winter carnival in Downtown Duluth - Winter activities
Page, North Dakota stock farm - International Livestock Exposition in Chicago - Rock quarry near Nopiming - Treehouse - Rocking horse - Haying at Island Farm - Swimming pool at the Hartley home
Page, North Dakota Stock Farm - Northern Pacific passenger train - Skiing at the Sugar Camp - Beechcraft aircraft - Sunshine Lake, Minnesota
Page, North Dakota Stock Farm - Rainbow and sunset over Wolf Lake - Roland Hill Hartley - Trap shooting - Biplanes at Wolf Lake - Cavour Hartley family visit to Judith Hartley Lewis in Miami, Florida - Seaplanes
Saloon measurements taken near Gateway Park, June 23rd, 1915