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71 - 100 of 213793 results
You Have Been Chosen Steward
You have a house : your friends have a house : you may lose yours : but they'll put you up for a time : arrange now
You give us the "fire" : we'll give 'em hell : let's go, everybody -- keep 'em firing!
You give him : wings! : the army needs lumber for training planes
You get more than he does : what are you doing with the difference? : buy war savings certificates : buy as many as
You drive a car here -- why not a transport in France? : American Field Service
You Do What?!
"You deliver us we'll deliver the planes" : you're doing your part for the : ferrying command
You come across -- or Germany will
You can't win on these! : sex exposure without prophylaxis and you lose to venereal disease -- venereal disease h
You can't win on these
You can't look the old flag in the face if you won't support it -- at 4 1/4 per cent. interest
You can't let us starve : 2 1/2 million women and children now starving to death. : your bit saves a life..
You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down : Stories
You Can't Get AIDS By, You Can Get AIDS By
You Can't Catch AIDS From a Glass
You : can't afford to miss : either! : buy bonds every payday
You can set their : spirit : free : War Prisoners Aid : member Agency of National War Fund
You : can send : postal money orders : by fast trains swift ships speedy airplanes : your post office offers a quick
You Can Make People Stop and Listen
You can lick runaway prices : you hold the 7 keys ... : 1. buy and hold war bonds. 2. pay ... taxes. 3. provide ...
You : can help to build me a ship : you can learn quickly and you will be : working to win
You : can help to build me a plane : you can learn quickly and you will be : working to win
You : can help to build me a gun : you can learn quickly and you will be : working to win : ask at any employment ex
You : can help to build me a gun : you can learn quickly and you will be : working to win : ask at any employment ex
You can help : American Red Cross
You : can defend America : by safeguarding our service
You : buy war bonds : we : do the rest!
"You buy 'em we'll fly 'em!" : war bonds stamps
"You buy 'em we'll fly 'em!" : defense bonds stamps
"You buy 'em we'll fly 'em!" : defense bonds stamps
You buy a Liberty Bond lest I perish
You buy a Liberty Bond lest I perish
"You build 'em we'll drive 'em" : let's keep 'em pulling for victory
"You bet I'm going back to sea!" : register at your nearest U.S. employment service office : U.S. Merchant Marine :
You are wanted too! : join the A.T.S.
You : are wanted too! : join the : A.T.S
You : are wanted at this wheel' : 13,000 : women drivers are needed at once for the London volunteer ambulance serv
You : are one of 50,000,000 Americans who must fill out an income tax return by : March 15th : file yours early
You are one of : 50,000,000 : Americans who must fill out an income tax return by March 15 : do it now!
You are no exception : join now
You are needed : now! : step up and step out .. : in a uniform! : apply to : district recruiting office : C.N.R. tic
You are needed now : join the Army Nurse Corps : apply at your Red Cross recruiting station
You Are In Charge of Your Ears
You and I : put the squeeze on the Japanese! : beat the promise - ...
Yoshioka - special sheet
Yoruba headtie: IE-10
Yoruba headtie: I-2
Yoruba baby tie: NW-1994-6