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2204 - 200 of 213793 results
17th Century, Ceará
17th Century, Ceará
17th Century, Cayenne, French Guiana, Amapá, and Amazon River Delta
17th Century, Caucasus Region
17th Century, Caucasus
17th Century, Catalonia
17th Century, Catalonia
17th Century, Catalonia
17th Century, Castile
17th Century, Castile
17th Century, Castile
17th Century, Castile
17th Century, Castile
17th Century, Castelnouvo (Montenegro)
17th Century, Cassel and French Flanders
17th Century, Caspian Sea
17th Century, Caspian Sea
17th Century, Cartography and Landforms
17th Century, Cartographic Diagram
17th Century, Carthage
17th Century, Carrick
17th Century, Caribbean South America and New Kingdom of Granada
17th Century, Caribbean Sea off Havana, Dänholm, and Strelasund
17th Century, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico
17th Century, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico
17th Century, Caribbean Islands
17th Century, Caribbean Islands
17th Century, Caribbean Islands
17th Century, Caribbean Islands
17th Century, Caribbean Islands
17th Century, Caribbean Islands
17th Century, Caribbean
17th Century, Caribbean
17th Century, Caribbean
17th Century, Caribbean
17th Century, Capitanata,
17th Century, Capitanata
17th Century, Cape Verde Islands
17th Century, Cape Verde Islands
17th Century, Cape Verde
17th Century, Cape of Good Hope to Ceylon
17th Century, Cape of Good Hope
17th Century, Cape of Good Hope
17th Century, Cape of Good Hope
17th Century, Cape of Good Hope
17th Century, Cape of Good Hope
17th Century, Cape of Good Hope
17th Century, Cape of Good Hope
17th Century, Cape of Good Hope
17th Century, Cape of Good Hope
17th Century, Cape of Good Hope
17th Century, Cape of Good Hope
17th Century, Cape near Strait of Hormuz
17th Century, Cape Farewell, Davis Strait, Hudson Bay, and Northwestern Passages
17th Century, Cape Comorin
17th Century, Cantons of Obwalden and Nidwalden (Switzerland)
17th Century, Canton of Zurich
17th Century, Canton of Zürich and Canton of Basel
17th Century, Canton of Schwyz (Switzerland)
17th Century, Canton of Basel
17th Century, Cannanore
17th Century, Cannanore
17th Century, Candia
17th Century, Canary Islands and Southern Coast of Lanzarote
17th Century, Canary Islands
17th Century, Canary Islands
17th Century, Canary Islands
17th Century, Canary Islands
17th Century, Canary Islands
17th Century, Canary Islands
17th Century, Canary Islands
17th Century, Canary Islands
17th Century, Canary Islands
17th Century, Canada
17th Century, Canada
17th Century, Canada
17th Century, Canada
17th Century, Canaan
17th Century, Canaan
17th Century, Canaan
17th Century, Campania and Samnium
17th Century, Cambridgeshire
17th Century, Cambridgeshire
17th Century, Cambridgeshire
17th Century, Cambria
17th Century, Cambria
17th Century, Cambay
17th Century, Callao to the Bay near Pescadores
17th Century, Callao de Lima (Peru)
17th Century, Callao and Pescadores
17th Century, Callao and Pescadores
17th Century, Callao and Pescadores
17th Century, Callao
17th Century, Callao
17th Century, Callao
17th Century, Callao
17th Century, Callao
17th Century, Calais (France; city walls only)
17th Century, Calais (France)
17th Century, Calais and Boulogne