These images show a sourdough starter in a glass jar, a container of instant dry yeast, and several loaves of completed bread. The creators describe their experience baking sourdough bread during the COVID-19 pandemic: "Like many others who were suddenly at home all the time because of COVID-19, we started a sourdough starter in late March 2020....
Jones, Kayleen; Moore, Ian
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Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
On the past two Saturdays KUOM has brought you the morning and afternoon speakers who participated in the May 17th Mondale Policy Forum: Political Parties in America: Who Needs Them? This morning, you'll hear the Forum's dinner speaker, Paul Tsongas
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
Tsongas, Paul
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University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
This speech was delivered at the 1964 University of Minnesota Symposium under the auspices of WCCO Radio and Television, the Minnesota Student Association, and the Department of Concerts and Lectures at the University. The theme of the Symposium was "Great Issues in Government"
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM; University of Minnesota. Audio Visual Library Services
Wallace, George
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
This speech was delivered at the 1964 University of Minnesota Symposium under the auspices of WCCO Radio and Television, the Minnesota Student Association, and the Department of Concerts and Lectures at the University. The theme of the Symposium was "Great Issues in Government"
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM; University of Minnesota. Audio Visual Library Services
Wilkins, Roy; Kilpatrick, James Jackson
1964-02-17; 1964-03-19; 1964-03-20
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
This picture, taken in front of the Darland Administration Building, shows a small troll doll lying next to a large statue. During this time, the UMD campus was closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. From the creator: "When campus is empty, the trolls come out!"
Habig, Kim
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
President of Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and emeritus president of the Montgomery Improvement Association. The anti-segregation leader in the South outlines the progress of the American negro toward equality, and urges continued effort to make genuine brotherhood a reality in the social, political, and religious aspects of American...
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM; University of Minnesota. Audio Visual Library Services
King, Martin Luther
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
Dr. Oscar Handlin, professor of history at Harvard University. Dr. Handlin delivered this talk on the St. Paul campus of the University of Minnesota at the 48th annual University Short Course and Schoolmen's Week
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM; University of Minnesota. Audio Visual Library Services
Handlin, Dr. Oscar
1960 - 1969
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
America's role and responsibility as the sole superpower after the Gulf War was the topic of a Mondale Policy Forum titled "Can the U.S. Lead: Confronting New Challenges at Home and Abroad," held in midsummer of 1991 at the University of Minnesota's Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. Haynes Johnson is a Washington Post columnist.
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
Johnson, Haynes
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
The major roles media play in the U.S. political system were discussed at the Mondale Policy Forum on Thursday and Friday, February 6th and 7th. Jody Powell served as press secretary in the Carter years and is chairman and C.E.O. of the public affairs company of Powell and Tate
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
Powell, Jody
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
U.S. Representative Les Aspin, chair of the house armed services committee, spoke on post-Cold War changes in the U.S. defense budget at the Mondale Policy Forum reception on June 22nd at the University of Minnesota's Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. Representative Astin was introduced by Walter Mondale.
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
Aspin, Les
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
Mondale Policy Forum panel discussion on The MEdia as a Force for Change including host of National Public Radio's All Things Considered, LInda Wortheimer, CBS White House Correspondent Susan Spencer, Professor of Political Science at the University of California at San Diego Samuel Popkin, and Norman Ornstein, resident scholar with the American...
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
Wirtheimer, Linda; Spencer, Susan; Popkin, Samuel; Ornstein, Norman
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
A small black teddy bear and a larger brown stuffed animal (possibly a reindeer) "climbing" a tree in front of a house. From the creator: "I want people in the future to know that this time wasn't all doom and gloom. People laughed and joked and tried to live their lives, despite wearing masks and being physically distant from family and friends...
McQuillan-Hofmann, Kathleen
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
A shaggy white teddy bear in the window of Aspen Dental in Duluth, Minnesota. From the creator: "I want people in the future to know that this time wasn't all doom and gloom. People laughed and joked and tried to live their lives, despite wearing masks and being physically distant from family and friends. One thing I loved was that people put up...
McQuillan-Hofmann, Kathleen
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth