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2128 - 40 of 211585 results
American food pledge : 20 million tons : we have promised to feed the hungry millions of Europe -- the allies and li
American Guard "the third line of defense" : for boys -- 14 to 18 yrs..
"Americani ed Italiani combattono spalla a spall per un unico scopo" : Compriamo Liberty Bonds....
American Library Association : library war service
American Library Association : library war service
American Library Association : library war service
American Library Association : library war service
Americans! : eyes open! mouths shut! : help win the war by obeying these rules. Do not repeat any rumors concerning
American YMCA Building in France. Army Y Slide Set
America's answer : second United States Official war picture : presented by the Division of Films : Committee on Pub
America's food pledge : 20 million tons
America's tribute to Britain
"America : the hope of all who suffer -- the dread of all who wrong." : Whittier : save food and defeat frightfulnes
Amerika szabadsaga a mi szabadsagunk. : vedelmezzuk meg hat es : vegyunk Liberty Bond-ot
An Appeal : by the joint board... : to trade unionists : who are ex-non-commissioned officers of any branch of his m
An Appeal by this railroad system to it's 225,000 men : the management reiterates its position favoring the settleme
An Appeal to good sportsmen : the need for more recruits for our army is very urgent... three millions of men with n
Ancora dei liquidi infiammati : encore des liquides enflammes
A new description of Kent ...