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Robert Held's Scrapbook Photographs
Robert Held's Scrapbook Photographs
Robert Held's Scrapbook Photographs
Robert Held's Scrapbook Photographs
Robert Held's Scrapbook Photographs
Robert Held's Scrapbook Photographs
Robert Held's Scrapbook Photographs
Robert Held's Scrapbook Photographs
Robert Held's Scrapbook Photographs
Rosy flamingos of India enjoying a watery promenade in the Maharaja's garden, Jeypore
Rubber trees in Perideniya Gardens, Ceylon
Rugged Mount Abu, S. W. from Dilwarra temples--Palace of Raja of Bikanir in distance
Ruins at Deig.
Ruins at the Ancient City of Gour Formerly on the Banks of the River Ganges
Runjeet Singh
Sacred bull, 16 ft. long, 12 ft. 10 in. high, cut from a single stone, Great Temple, Tanjore
Sanchi: Stone Rail
Sandeman Memorial Hall- Quetta.
Sanganeer ka Chopal, Jeypore [Jaipur]
Sanganeer ka Chopal, Jeypore [Jaipur]
Sanniasee, Madras
Sappers Bastion, Sherpur
Sarda Canal.
Sarda Canal U.P.
Sarda Canal, U.P.
Sarnat, A Boodh Monument Near Benares
Scene from the upper terrace of the Great Dagon Pagoda at Rangoon, to the south east.
Scene in Kattiawar. - Travellers & Escort.
Scene in the Zenara at Futtehpore Sikri.
Scene Near Chillah Tarah Ghaut, Bundelkhand
Scene on Colombo and Galle Road
Scene on Colombo and Galle Road
Scene on the Galle and Mahara Road
Scene on the Galle and Mahara Road
Scene on the Galle and Mahara Road
Scenes in India: Caunter's and Daniell's Oriental annual; Eastern legends; Oriental annual
Scenes in India: Caunter's and Daniell's Oriental annual; Eastern legends; Oriental annual
Scenes in India: Caunter's and Daniell's Oriental annual; Eastern legends; Oriental annual
Scenes in India: Caunter's and Daniell's Oriental annual; Eastern legends; Oriental annual
Scene upon the eastern road from Rangoon looking towards the south.
Scene upon the terrace of the Great Dagon Pagoda at Rangoon, looking toward the north.
Scene upon the terrace of the Great Dagon Pagoda at Rangoon taken near the Great Bell.
Seetamati and her sister
Servants with Dogs and Hawks belonging to the King of Oude.
Seven goats slain but Kali wants more--horrid sacrifice to the Hindu goddess, Calcutta
Seven Pagodas
Seven Pagodas
Seven Pagodas
Shah A'lum (Alam) entrance gate, Ahmedabad
Shah Al'um's [Alam's] Marble Tomb
Shatiatope regulator.
Sheik Khoob (from life)
Shelling rice and gossiping with the neighbors--home of contented citizens of Cashmere
Sherpur from Asmai Hills
"Shiva and Parvati," Elephanta Caves
Shiva as an ascetic, Elephanta Caves
Shiva in his double character of male and female, Elephanta Caves
"Shiva" The Destroyer, Elephanta Caves
Shops Road near Kandy, Ceylon.
Shrine of Raiman Shah Doola Elichpoor
"Siesta" Madras
Simla, the beautiful Himalayan mountain resort, from the highway to Kalka, the nearest railway station (57 miles)
Sinhalese climbing coconut tree
Sinhalese Group
Sinhalese Hut
Sinhalese Man
Sinhalese Woman Selling Bambaturs
Sir Alenxander Burnes, C. B. in the Costume of Bokharas.
Skeleton Group in the Rameswur, Caves of Ellora
Sketch of a Shootb[?]-Suwar, an Attendant on an Indian Camp [?].
S.Lat: 27 degree - W-Long: 19 degree.
Sleeping Apartments of Kashmeeree Muls [sic.] House, Benares.
Small Temple near the great shrine dedicated to Soobramaniar [Subramaniar], Tanjore [Tanjavur]
Smokers of a preparation of opium, Amedabad
Snake Charmers
Snake Charmers
Social Justice - Archie Gingold
Social Justice - Arthur Goodman
Social Justice - Benno Wolff
Social Justice - Dr. Milton Hurwitz
Social Justice - H. James Seesel
Social Justice - Ida Rapoport
Social Justice - Larry Bentson
Solani Aqueduct.
Son of the Hindoo Governor of Dera.
Son of the Nawaub of Banda
South front of Viceregal Lodge, Palace of the Viceroy, at Simla, the charming Summer Capital of India
Spinning in the streets of Jeypore
Sravana Belgola
Sravana Belgola
Sravana Belgola
Sreedhur Moonshee's Ghat and Rana Muhul, Benares.
Sri Guneshu
Steam Traverser
Steep mountain side between Simla and Nalera looking toward the Himalayas
Streerungam [Srirangam] near Trichinopoly [Tiruchirapalli]