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2160 - 100 of 215561 results
Venereal Disease Projects. Research in Adolescent Behavior. New York City Research Project (Deschin Study.) National Conference of Social Work (NCSW) Presentation. (Box 122, Folder 10)
Venereal Disease Projects. Research in Adolescent Behavior. New York City Research Project (Deschin Study.) Tabulations, Final Report Tables. (Box 123, Folder 14)
Venereal Disease Projects. Venereal Disease Statistics. Membership Appeals. (Box 116, Folder 11)
Veterinary Medical Center South. St. Paul Campus
V.F.W Cancer Research Center. Minneapolis Campus
View of the back of the Hartley Building at 740 East Superior Street from Lake Superior
Visits, 1960s. (Box 45, Folder 9)
Visscher, Maurice B.
Visscher, Maurice B.
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary attend a luncheon meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary attend an awards luncheon, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary cut a cake to honor the 10th anniversary of the Book Fair, Minneapoli
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary deliver books to patient, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary display Book Fair collection depot sign, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary display Book Fair sign while sorting books, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary have coffee while sorting books for the Book Fair, Minneapolis, Minne
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary hold recruitment signs for coffee shop, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary hold recruitment signs for coffee shop, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary pose in themed attire at Annual Ball, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary pose near "Hospital Bed Fund" display at Annual Ball, Minneapolis, Mi
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary pose with armored knight to promote the Annual Ball, Minneapolis, Min
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary prepare for a skit at a luncheon, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary serve food as part of their patient services initiative, Minneapolis,
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary sort boxes of books for Book Fair, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary staff the book cart as part of their patient services initiative, Min
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary stand near a punch bowl at meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Volunteers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary work in a call center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Waiting for Camp Tikvah campers at the Emanuel Cohen Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Waiting in line
Wallet display
Wangensteen, Owen Harding
Warren, Robert Penn.
Waseca, South School of Agriculture
Washington D.C. Twelfth Street Branch YMCA
Waterfront Scene, Deer Valley Camp, YMCA of Pittsburgh
Water skiing at Camp Tikvah, Aitken, Minnesota
Weiblen, Paul: ""Master's Thesis"" (Box 23, Folder 06)
Weightlifter at McBurney branch YMCA in New York City
Weightlifting club at the Harlem YMCA in New York City.
Wenberg, Stanley J.
White House Conference on Children and Youth, 1960. The Nation's Children: Problems and Prospects, edited by Eli Ginsberg, 1960. (Box 6, Folder 8)
White House Conference on Children and Youth, The Nation's Children: The Family and Social Change, edited by Eli Ginsberg, 1960. (Box 6, Folder 6)
Whiting, Frank
Whiting, Frank M
Wilkins, Roy
Wilkins, Roy
Willey, Malcolm Macdonald
Williams, John H.
Williamson, Edmund G.
Wilson, Owen Meredith