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Jessie and Cavour Hartley gathered in front of a tree with James Verner Claypool, Carolyn Warmington Munger, and another person at the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Jessie, Dale, and Cavour Hartley standing with Carolyn Warmington Munger and James Verner Claypool in the woods near the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
J. H. Crocker, Secretary, Shanghai, China. Annual Report for the year ending Sept. 30, 1913
J. H. Dadisman, Traveling Secretary, Yangtse Valley, China. Annual Report for the year ending September 30, 1913
J. H. Geldart, Secretary to Mr. Brockman, China. Annual Report for the year ending Sept. 30, 1913
J.L. Loebs Seed Co. 1913 seed catalog
J. L. McPherson, General Secretary, Hong Kong. Annual Report for the year ending Sept. 30, 1913
J. M. Clinton, Secretary, China. Annual Report for the year ending September, 30, 1913
J. S. Burgess, Secretary, Peking, China. Annual Report for the year ending Sept. 30, 1913
Jugoslav Catholic Association Convention
Kalendar maryian'skyi
Karta poleznyh iskopaemyh : kavkazskago kpaya = Mineral resources map, Caucasian edge
Karte der Sprachverteilung, Bevólkerungsdichte und Bodenschätze von Elsass-Lothringen : auf Grund von Heinrich Kieperts Spezialkarte
Kellshore Apartments
Kellshore Apartments
Kenneth. D. Miller and his tutor of the Czech language
Kings Mountain Conference, 1913: North Carolina, Virginia and D.C.
Kistna Delta System.
Kistna Delta system.
Kistna Delta system.