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2169 - 100 of 213760 results
Dyson #3
The Charger That's Always Leashed
The American Jewish World, Volume 50, Number 9, October 27, 1961
They Too Shall Live
Michigan vs Minnesota
The Most Persistent Pumpkin
Education and Psychology Building with movers and moving truck
Exterior view of the concourse connecting the science building to the social sciences building on the UMD campus
Newly built Education and Psychology Building
Newly built Education and Psychology Building
Newly built Education and Psychology Building from the roof
People moving filing cabinets out of the Research Laboratory Building
Person in an office of the newly built Education and Psychology Building
Person in an office of the newly built Education and Psychology Building
Person shaking hands with a child on the front steps of the Research Laboratory Building
Person walking away from the Research Laboratory Building
Psychology Department moving from the Old Main building to the newly constructed Education and Psychology Building
ROTC Drill Team
UMD Library display for Freedom Readers
Along the Gunflint Trail
The American Jewish World, Volume 50, Number 10, November 3, 1961
Athelstan Frederick Spilhaus speech, "Science, Education, and Industry"
Spilhaus, Athelstan Frederick speech, "Science, Education, and Industry," before the Upper Midwest Research and Development Council
James Hagerty, "The Press and Presidential Leadership" by James Hagerty and Pierre Salinger
The American Jewish World, Volume 50, Number 11, November 10, 1961
Tolerance Is Not Enough by Professor Jaroslav Pelikan
The Role of Geophysics in International Science by Dr. Lloyd Berkner
The American Jewish World, Volume 50, Number 12, November 17, 1961
The Green Harvest
Negro Freedom Readers display in the library
Edward B. Stanford, librarian, discusses the Hess Collection of Dime Novels
The American Jewish World, Volume 50, Number 13, November 24, 1961
Henry Scholberg discusses the Ames Library of South Asia
Alliance for Progress in the Americas with John S. Chipman and Oswald S. Brownlee
Couple kissing at Engineers Ball
General and Administrative. Committees and Commissions. National Committee on Work with Younger Boys and Girls, December 1961 (Box 19, Folder 29)
Bounty of the Underwaterworld
The American Jewish World, Volume 50, Number 14, December 1, 1961
Dinner in honor of Charles Lesley Ames
James Kingsley, librarian, discusses the Paul Bunyan Collection
Open house for the Ames Library of South Asia
Plowland Magic
The American Jewish World, Volume 50, Number 15, December 8, 1961
Stubby Pringle's Christmas
Slashpile Menace
The American Jewish World, Volume 50, Number 16, December 15, 1961
Fisherman's Luck
The American Jewish World, Volume 50, Number 17, December 22, 1961
The American Jewish World, Volume 50, Number 18, December 29, 1961