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2236 - 200 of 215561 results
Outdoor table tennis match at the Jewish Education Center, St. Paul, Minnesota
Painting by the Numbers
Paper tape reader
Patriotic tableaux staged at the St. Paul Jewish Community Center, St. Paul, Minnesota
Pay envelope machine
Pay roll segregator
Peggy Borsay Interview
Peter Bellman, Loretta "Lucky" Bellman and Butch Levy, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Photograph Collection, 1949-1963. Main subject: E.I.T. graduates with microscope, Additional subject(s): Black employees, Africa
Photograph Collection, 1949-1963. Main subject: Wayne County Commission, Additional subject(s): Women employees, Black employees
Pierce, E. M. and A. F. Liska
Placard announcing Summer Center Day at the Jewish Education Center, St. Paul, Minnesota
Plitman family Seder in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Plymouth Avenue looking west, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Plymouth facility addition construction site
Plymouth facility exterior
Poale Zion Tag Day in St. Paul, Minnesota
Poale Zion "Workers of Zion" group, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Polar Club members at the Wirth Park Chalet, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Popkin family Seder in Duluth, Minnesota
Portable adding machine
Portrait of Dr. Moses Barron, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Portrait of Etta and Abraham Bearman, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Portrait of Felix Phillips, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Portrait of Harry Goldie in his boxing trunks, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Portrait of Harry Goldie, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Portrait of Harry Goldie, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Portrait of Ida B. Cook, Duluth, Minnesota
Portrait of members of the Mu Beta Chi Fraternity, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Portrait of Moritz Kafka, St. Paul, Minnesota
Portrait of Rabbi Albert G. Minda, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Portrait of Rabbi Judah Wechsler of Mount Zion Temple, St. Paul, Minnesota
Portrait of Rabbi Levin, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Portrait of Rabbi Nahum Schulman, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Portrait of Robert Lazarus, St. Paul, Minnesota
Portrait of the Lebeoff triplets, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Portrait of the Schwartz family, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Portrait of the Silberstein family picnicking at Turtle Lake, Shoreview, Minnesota
Pre-school children sitting on the steps of the Jewish Educational Center, St. Paul, Minnesota
Pre-school children's parade in front of the Jewish Educational Center on Center Day, St. Paul, Minnesota
Presentation of a gift to Great Britian's Royal couple
Presentation of two millionth printed circuit
Price list for Steinberg Bag & Burlap Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Print advertisement for an adding machine, circa 1891
Print advertisement for an adding machine, circa 1950
Print advertisements for the Director adding machine
Print shop
Processor/Console Operator Training - Part 1
Processor/Console Operator Training - Part 2
Product development team
Program for Progress
Project Gemini computer "packages"
Project Mercury guidance computer
Proprietor and printer in front of Schwartz Print Shop in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Pulse control experiment
Pulse generator and oscilloscope
Purim party put on by Beher Cholem Women's Aid Society, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Quality control testing a gyro horizon indicator
Quality control testing of a circuit board
Quality control testing of a gear box
Quality control testing of a magnetic drum
Quality control testing of an A-4 gun sight
Quality control testing of circuit boards
Quality control testing of circuit cards
Quality control testing of computer components
Quality control testing of gyrosysns
Quality control testing of memory units
Quality control testing of ten key machines
Quality control testing of ten key machines
Quality control testing of ten key machines
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip touring Strathleven
Queen Elizabeth II examines the "baby" calculators
Queen Elizabeth II touring Strathleven factory
Queen Elizabeth II touring Strathleven factory
Queen Elizabeth II touring Strathleven factory
Queen of the Beth El Bazaar and Carnival, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Rabbi Albert Minda of Temple Israel in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Rabbi David Arenson, Senator Hubert Humphrey and Rabbi Kassel Abelson, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Rabbi Joseph Hurvitz and his wife, Rebbetzin Rae Hurvitz, St. Paul, Minnesota
Rabbi Kleinman with students from the Temple of Aaron Religious School in St. Paul, Minnesota
Rabbi Milgrom at Hillel Seder, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Rabbi Milgrom at Hillel Seder, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Rabbi Samuel N. Deinard, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Rabbis David Aronson and Kassel Abelson with Senator Hubert Humphry, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Rabbi Silber speaking at the laying of the cornerstone for the Minneapolis Talmud Torah building, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Rabbi Solomon Silber, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Rachel Bella Calof, St. Paul, Minnesota
Radar. Antennas radar antenna
Radar video data processor
Radio interference research
Radio interference research
Radio interference research
Reader/Sorter - Part 3, flashes with bands of snow
Reader/Sorter - Part 4
Residents of the Jewish Sheltering Home, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Residents of the Jewish Sheltering Home, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Resort scene
Rest period in the pre-kindergarten class at the Jewish Educational Center, St. Paul, Minnesota
Reunion of Minneapolis South Siders, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Ribbon cutting ceremony