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2237 - 200 of 215561 results
Robert Lazarus in his music and instrument repair shop, St. Paul, Minnesota
Rockler Family Seder held at the Farband (Zionist) House, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Rose and Ben Mirskey in front of Mirskey's Grocery Store, St. Paul, Minnesota
Rose and Jay Phillips check in at the Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary Annual Ball, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Rosenbloom-Schanfield wedding portrait, Tower, Minnesota
Roy Beer's Presentation
Rudolph's Furniture Store, Duluth, Minnesota
Ruth Melamond, Dr. Owen Wangensteen, and Luella Maslon, Minneapolis, Minnesota
S1000 OCR Reader Demonstration
S3600 Document Processing System
S3900 OCR Remittance Processing System
Sabre jet cockpit
Sabre jet nose
Sage Missile Loading
Saginaw Building
Saginaw Building 2
Sales demonstration van exterior
Sales demonstration van exterior
Sales demonstration van interior
Sales demonstration van interior
Salesman training class
Salesman walking
Salesmen in front of Rudolph's Furniture Store in Duluth, Minnesota
Sam Schwartz, a horse trader in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sam Solomon at his business, Master Cleaners, International Falls, Minnesota
Samuel Rosenboom in his shoe repair shop, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sam Wiener and his family at his Bar Mitzvah party in St. Paul, Minnesota
Sam Ziff in front of a generator, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sam Ziff in front of a generator, St. Paul, Minnesota
Satellite stand and bank subtractor machine
Savannah branch employees
Science Center Executive Overview
Scrap pile in Northwestern Iron and Metal Yard, Duluth, Minnesota
Second Annual Summer Center Day at the Jewish Educational Center, St. Paul, Minnesota
Seder at the home of Rabbi Solomon Silber, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Segelbaum Family members at their home, Albert Lea, Minnesota
Semi-Annual Conference of the Northwestern District Organization Committee of the Workmen's Circle, St. Paul, Minnesota
Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) scale model
Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) tracking tower
Senator Walter Mondale, Rabbi Robert Shapiro, Rabbi Max Shapiro and Mayor Naftalin, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Seniors dancing, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sensimatic machine service instruction
Series G printer-punch machine
Series G printer-punch machine
Serviceman at the Jewish Educational Center, St. Paul, Minnesota
Service School instructors
Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition award
Several generations of the Kronick family, Hibbing, Minnesota
Shabbat dinner table setting, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sholom Home residents board a bus, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sholom Home residents celebrate Shabbat, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sholom Home residents do arts and crafts, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sholom Home residents do arts and crafts, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sholom Home residents exercise, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sholom Home residents folding pamphlets in the workshop, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sholom Home residents knit and relax, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sholom Home residents operate a loom, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sholom Home residents responding to emergency campaign, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sholom Home residents sit and drink, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sholom Home resident volunteers his time, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sholom Home staff busy at work, St. Paul, Minnesota
Short cut keyboard exhibition
Shreveport branch employees
Sigma Alpha Mu basketball team, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sigma Delta Tau house at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sigma Delta Tau Sorority formal dance at Oak Ridge Country Club, Hopkins, Minnesota
Sigma Delta Tau Sorority formal dance at Oak Ridge Country Club, Hopkins, Minnesota
Sigma Delta Tau Sorority members graduating from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sigma Delta Tau Sorority members hosting Jewish servicemen at the sorority house on campus, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sign at a rally in support of Soviet Jewry, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sign at scrap yard urging scrap donations for war effort, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sign at scrap yard urging scrap donations for war effort, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Silk screen process in production of circuit cards
Silverman family Seder, St. Paul, Minnesota
Simon and Sadie Schwartz with customer at the Schwartz Tailor Shop, St. Paul, Minnesota
Sixth Avenue North streetcar line, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Size comparison of components
Skit featuring members of the Mount Sinai Auxiliary, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Small Systems Report, 1
Small Systems Report, 2
Small Systems Report, 3
Smith family Seder, St. Paul, Minnesota
Snippe, R. L. J. and Al Knoff
Spalthoff, A. E. and Rex Rathbun
Sperry/Burroughs Name Change Ceremonies
Springrite bookend
Springrite bookend demonstrated
Staff at the Emanuel Cohen Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Staff of M and L Motor Supply, St. Paul, Minnesota
State Street and Airport Road home on the West Side, St. Paul, Minnesota
State Street home on the West Side, St. Paul, Minnesota
State Street home on the West Side, St. Paul, Minnesota
State Street homes on the West Side, St. Paul, Minnesota
State Street homes on the West Side, St. Paul, Minnesota
State Street homes on the West Side, St. Paul, Minnesota
State Street homes on the West Side, St. Paul, Minnesota
Steel and concrete frame for Mount Sinai Hospital and power plant, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Stein's Rexall Drugs and Iron Range Chemical Company, Hibbing, Minnesota
Storefront and wagon at 6th Avenue North and Colfax Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Store front of Ace Auto Parts and Supply Company, St. Paul, Minnesota