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43 - 40 of 1446 results
Karin Velez, Historian, Mar. 2015
Karlheinz Essl, Composer, Aug. 2014
Karl Pfeifer, Director of the Vienna Center for the Documentation of the Austrian Resistance, Sep. 2014
Karl Rogers, Professor of Philosophy, on Democracy, November 2011
Karl Stöcher, Baker, Sep. 2014
Karl Trummer, Juice Processor, Oct. 2014
Karl Viehböck, Honey Producer, Oct. 2014
Kate Brauman, Water Scientist, July 2015
Kate Elise, Director, on the Fringe Festival, August 2010
Kate Roberts, Volunteer Coordinator, on her Work, July 2012
Katharina Hagenhofer, Organic Agriculture Student, Aug. 2014
Kat Hayes, Anthropologist, Feb. 2015
Kathleen Ryor, Professor of Art History, on Ming Dynasty Art, November 2012
Kathryn Jensen, Sign Language Interpreter, on BLAST, April 2013
Kathy Jensen, Actor and Writer, on Acting, August 2010
Kathy Kinzig, Environmental Educator, 2006
Kathy Van Eck, Sound Artist, on her Music, February 2009
Katrina Vandenberg, Professor and Author, on Her Latest Book and John Reimringer, Professor and Author on Limits
Keir Neuringer, Composer, on Improvisation, February 2009
Kelly Quinn, Professor of American Studies, on Puppets, February 2010