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49 - 40 of 1446 results
Danny Robinson Clark, Actor, on Preparation, Sep. 2013
Cristina Pippa, Playwright and Screenwriter, Apr. 2016
Craig Hassel, Food Scientist, Nov. 2015
Containing the BP Oil Spill: Robert Gilmer, Oct. 2010
Conevery Valencius, Environmental Historian, Apr. 2015
Cletus Wessels, Dominican Priest, on the New Universe Story, 2006
Christopher Morris, Environmental Historian, Apr. 2015
Christoph Conrad, Fellow at re:work Center, Oct. 2014
Christian Koeberl, Director of the Vienna Natural History Museum, Sep. 2014
Christian Chvosta, Coffee Shop Owner, Oct. 2014
Christian Ahorner, Chef, Sep. 2014
Chris Kosowski, Gardener, July 2014
Charlotte Bruckermann, Fellow at re:work Center, Oct. 2014
Cathy Jordan, Prof. of Pediatrics, Dec. 2015
Catherine Meier, Visual Artist, Apr. 2014
Caroline Halliday, Textile Artist, Sep. 2015
Bruno Seiser, Beef Producer, Oct. 2014
Bruce Glymour, Philosopher of Biology, Mar. 2016
Bruce Cutler, Poet, on Journalistic Subjectivity and the American 19th Century, 1996
Bron Taylor, Scholar of Dark Green Religion, Apr. 2015