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Jewish War Veterans scrapbook 1955-1965.
Scrapbooks, Photographs, and Memorabilia. Scrapbooks. Printed Matter. (Box 12, Volume 2)
Club Histories. Army-Navy Clubs. Santa Maria, California (Box 31, Folder 1)
Special Projects. Green Pastures. (Box 6, Folder 16)
Local Black Association Records. Lynchburg Counselor (Lynchburg, Virg. YMCA newsletter), 1891-1892. (Box 12, Folder 1).
American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) Chapter officers - Begin Chapter 251, End Chapter H-J-I (Reel 31, Number 359)
Order of American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) - Ahepan Magazine (Reel 4, Number 69)
Order of American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) - Ahepan Magazine (Reel 5, Number 70)
Order of American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) - Ahepan Magazine (Reel 6, Number 71)