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56 - 40 of 792 results
Rosalie Wahl, MN Supreme Court Judge, on the War in Iraq, Mar. 2003
Ruth Mazo Karras, Professor of History, on Medieval Sexuality, July 2013
Ryan Hill and Heather Stone, Actors, on the Sandbox Theatre, July 2009
Ryan Skinner, Ethnomusicologist, on Mali, October 2012
Ryland Angel, Composer, with Ann Waltner, Historian, July 2015
Ryuta Nakajima, Artist, on Zen and Marine Biology, March 2011
Sabina Hoser, Baker, Sep. 2014
Salah Ammo, Musician, Sep. 2014
Samantha Bohrman, Author, Feb. 2016
Sara Evans, Professor of History, on Becoming a Feminist Historian, December 2011
Sara Evans, Professor of History, on the Relevance of History, February 2007
Sarah Lambert, Set Designer, on her Work, January 2012
Sarah Stonich, Author, on Sense of Place, July 2014
Sarah Tracy, Director of Medical Humanities, on Medical Humanities, November 2008
Sarah Whiting, Photographer, Apr. 2016
Savannah Rhomberg-Reich, Playwright, on Theater, August 2010
Scott VanKoughnett, Bookstore Owner, Sep. 2015
Sean Walsh, Professor of Philosophy, on Confucius, December 2012
Seitu Jones, Artist, on Community, December 2012
Shane Courtland, Philosopher, Apr. 2014