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Group of people on a boat at Cass Lake
Group of people on a canoe on Cass Lake
Group of people on a golf course at the Northland Country Club
Group of people on a golf course at the Northland Country Club
Group of people on and around a boat on the shore of Cass Lake
Group of people on the front steps of a building in Trout Lake
Group of people pumping sap into a tank at the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Group of people raising a flag by the clubhouse at Wolf Lake
Group of people raising a flag by the clubhouse at Wolf Lake
Group of people sitting and standing around a fire pit
Group of people sitting in the grass
Group of people sitting in the grass and on a fence by a road by the Craggencroft School
Group of people sitting on a beach as the tide comes in
Group of people sitting on a fence by a road by the Craggencroft School
Group of people sitting on a fence by a road by the Craggencroft School
Group of people sitting on and standing around a pile of logs in a patch of forest near Woodland Avenue
Group of people sitting on the steps of the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Group of people snowshoeing
Group of people snowshoeing in the woods
Group of people standing in a campsite by the shore of Cass Lake
Group of people standing in a campsite by the shore of Cass Lake
Group of people standing in front of cabins at Allandale Farms
Group of people standing outside a log cabin at Cass Lake
Group of people standing underneath a veranda
Group of people standing underneath a veranda
Group of people underneath a frame for a bark house at Cass Lake
Group of people using a walkway next to the creek near the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Group of people walking through an orchard of trees on a hillside at Cass Lake
Group of sailors and the captain of the Alvina inspecting the ship
Group of seven children from the Hartley family sitting in the grass outside of a house
Group of seven children from the Hartley family sitting in the grass outside of a house
Group of seven children from the Hartley family sitting in the grass outside of a house
Group of seven children from the Hartley family sitting in the grass outside of a house
Group of seven children gathered around three dead deer in the front yard of the house of Cavour Hartley at 3800 East Superior Street
Group of seven children gathered around three dead deer in the front yard of the house of Cavour Hartley at 3800 East Superior Street
Group of seven loggers standing by a steam donkey at a logging camp
Group of seven loggers standing by a steam donkey at a logging camp
Group of seven unidentified people sitting on a pontoon boat on a body of water
Group of seven unidentified people sitting on a pontoon boat on a body of water
Group of seven unidentified people standing on the front steps of a house
Group of several members of the extended Hartley family gathered together in white dresses
Group of six hunters gathered together in a circle and holding bows and arrows
Group of six people driving a car along a dirt road past a log building
Group of six people driving a car along a dirt road past two log buildings
Group of six people gathered around a campsite on the shore of a lake
Group of six unidentified people standing in the sand trap of a golf course
Group of students gathered outside the Dana Hall School
Group of students in uniform standing by a flag pole outside the Dana Hall School
Group of students leaving Burntside Hall
Group of students standing in parallel lines on a field at the Dana Hall School