The Periyar Dam was constructed in 1887 in what is now Kerala to divert water from the west-flowing Periyar River through a tunnel into the east-flowing Vaigai River to supply irrigation to the parched Madurai District. The Peranai Regulator was built across the Vagai in 1897 to supply canal irrigation to over 50,000 hectares in what is now Madu...
1900 - 1947
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Ames Library of South Asia.
A headworks was built at Arappalayam (completed 1892?) to provide irrigation water around Madurai and provide Madurai City, in what is now Tamil Nadu, with a reliable water supply.
1900 - 1947
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Ames Library of South Asia.
This I.N.R.I. piece accompanies Great Western Stage Equipment Company collection rough draft accession #MSSCG118, photograph of Great Western Stage Equipment Company collection pencil sketch, accession# MSSCG154, and Great Western Stage Equipment Company collection theatre installation photograph, accession#MSSCG221.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Performing Arts Archives.
We study bifurcations of periodic travelling waves in diatomic granular chainsfrom the anti-continuum limit, when the mass ratio between the light and heavy beads is zero. We show that every limiting periodic wave is uniquely continued with respect to the mass ratio parameter and the periodic waves with the wavelength larger than a certain criti...
Pelinovsky, Dmitry (McMaster University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
We consider the propagation of waves in a periodic structure that can be represented as a infinite thick graph. We show that, provided that adequate boundary conditions are satisfied, the introduction of a lineic geometric perturbation of this reference structure can create the apparition of guided waves associated to frequencies inside any band...
Joly, Patrick (École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
In this talk, we introduce a rigorous computational method for periodic orbits of dissipative PDEs. The idea is to consider a space-time Fourier expansion of a periodic solution and to solve for its Fourier coefficients in a space of algebraically decaying sequences. The rigorous computation is based on the radii polynomials approach, which prov...
Lessard, Jean-Philippe (Laval University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.