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3844 - 100 of 213789 results
Sketch of a palatial interior.
Sketch of a parlor with factory scene on stage.
Sketch of a patio with awning
Sketch of a proscenium arch with field grass.
Sketch of a real estate house/office.
Sketch of a residential area and city park.
Sketch of a saloon interior labeled "Roaring Gulch Saloon."
Sketch of a ship.
Sketch of a ship's ballroom.
Sketch of a ship's deck.
Sketch of a sleigh, a rabbit, birch trees.
Sketch of a southwestern ranch.
Sketch of a steam ship deck.
Sketch of a street and buildings with bay windows.
Sketch of a street with buildings and street lights.
Sketch of a sunset over river with high banks.
Sketch of a trail along lake.
Sketch of automobiles in a park with columns.
Sketch of automobiles on road near a lake house.
Sketch of a Viking and American Indian battle.
Sketch of a Viking ship.
Sketch of a Viking ship.
Sketch of a Viking ship.
Sketch of a Viking ship at sea.
Sketch of a Viking ship on a Norwegian flag.
Sketch of a walled yard with stone buildings.
Sketch of a water with a beach in the distance.
Sketch of a wood drop.
Sketch of a wood drop.
Sketch of a wood drop.
Sketch of a wood drop.
Sketch of a wood drop with building.
Sketch of a wood drop with buildings.
Sketch of a woodland scene.
Sketch of a wood scene.
Sketch of building facade.
Sketch of buildings and park.
Sketch of cityscape.
Sketch of cityscape.
Sketch of cityscape with church tower and other commercial buildings.
Sketch of door treatments.
Sketch of Egyptian motifs and paintings
Sketch of Fort Jackson (front elevation).
Sketch of full front street and advertising.
Sketch of grain bags.
Sketch of grain bags and a door.
Sketch of houses and a street.
Sketch of Kate's Saloon (front elevation).
Sketch of King Solomon's Temple.
Sketch of King Solomon's throne room, overlooking the Temple entrance.