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3815 - 40 of 211349 results
Lower surface Sal versus Salal upper surface
Lower swing bridge across Hooker River
Lucca, Italy, Northeast of Pisa
Lucca, Italy, Northeast of Pisa
Lucca, Italy, Northeast of Pisa
Lucca, Italy, Northeast of Pisa
Lucerne (alfalfa) field at Mount Burke Station
Lumber freighter American Eagle loading.
Lumber freighter American Eagle loading.
Lumber hauling equipment
Lunch, between hotel and glacier
Lunch, glacier in background
Lunch on the Saint Croix, South of Oseola
Lunch site
Lunch site beside Rio Chalia on Highway 288
Lunch site beside Rio Chalia on Highway 288
Lunch stop on south side of pass
Lunch time?
Lupine escaped from garden.
Lupines at Tekapo