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3845 - 100 of 213789 results
Background, Prothonotary Warbler
Background photograph, woods, underbrush, and small Evergreens in winter with snow, where the Chickadee haunts
Background photograph, Tamarack and Spruce swamp in winter with snow
Background photograph, Tamarack and Spruce swamp in winter with snow
Background photograph, field in winter with snow
Background photograph, Evergreens in the forest, in winter with snow
Background photograph, brush land in winter with snow where rabbits haunt
Background photograph, brush land in winter with snow where rabbits haunt
Background, orchard in bloom
Background, orchard in bloom
Background, orchard in bloom
Background, orchard in bloom
Background, north of Withrup's farm, for Nighthawk group
Background, Night Hawk
Background negatives, White-throated Sparrow background
Background negatives, Sparrow Background for small group
Background negatives, showing Spruce, Birch, etc. at Danola Lodge
Background negatives, Red-headed Woodpecker
Background negatives of Island Lake near Danola Lodge
Background negatives, Migrant Shrike
Background negatives, Least Flycatcher
Background negatives, deciduous woods
Background negatives, Crested Flycatcher
Background negatives, Bobolink background for small group
Background negatives
Background, Muskrat houses
Background, muskrat house in reeds
Background, muskrat house and reeds
Background Matieral. Provenance Materials, ca. 1970, 1974. (Box 1, Folder 1)
Background Material. List of News Papers Published by Black YMCAs from the 1890s to the 1960s, ca. 1970. (Box 1, Folder 2).
Background, Maryland Yellowthroat
Background, looking southwest across school section
Background, looking Southwest across school section
Background, Long Meadow marsh
Background, Le Conte Sparrow
Background, landscape
Background, landscape
Background, landscape
Background, landscape
Background, landscape
Background, landscape
Background, landscape
Background, interior of barn
Background Information. "The YMCA in Black Communities, One Hundred Twenty-Five Years, 1853-1978: Selected Black Leaders of the YMCA," by Jesse N. Alexander and Leo B. Marsh, 1977. (Box 1, Folder 3)
Background Information. Resolutions on interracial policy, 1946-1965. (Box 1, Folder 5)
Background Information. Resolutions on interracial policy, 1946-1965. (Box 1, Folder 4)
Background Information. Researcher correspondence, 1972-1976. (Box 1, Folder 6)
Background Information. Organization policy, historical, 1954-1960. (Box 27, Folder 37)
Background Information. Middle East, 1963, 1967,1974. (Box 27, Folder 36)
Background Information. Historical summaries, undated and 1911-1970s. (Box 1, Folder 2)