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Staehle, Roger W.
Staehle, Roger W.
Staehle, Roger W.
Staehle, Roger W.
Staehle, Roger W.
Staff and paper boys
Staff at Cauterets, Pyrenes. Lower row: 1. Helen Paley, NY 2. Mlle. Pucheu, France 3. "Cal" Poole, Michigan 4. Elizabeth Hue, Cal 5. Marjorie Griegg, Mass; Middle row:1. Anne Wilby, Ga 2. Kathryn Round [Inbush?], Pa 3. Alice Tyson, NY 4. Maud Harr...
Staff at the Emanuel Cohen Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Staff at the West Central branch, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1957
Staff cabin #36 in 1958, built 1950s, possibly 1953 or 58
Staff cottage, built 1932, lost to fire in 1934, view north
Staff cottage, built 1932, lost to fire in 1934, view northeast
Staff in charge of all recruting and placing colored secretaries in the camps at home and overseas, World War I. Back row left to right: George L. Johnson, Max Yergan, J. Francis Gregory; Front row left to right: William J. Faulkner, Jesse Moorland, R...
Staffing - Recruitment, 1957 (Box 15, Folder 23)
Staffing - Recruitment - Donoghue, 1961 (Box 15, Folder 22)
Staffing the order and information desk
Staff Instructors, Itasca Biological Station, Shevlin, Minnesota
Staff member at desk in Kirby Student Center
Staff members of the International Institute of San Francisco
Staff members talking to campers at the pool at Camp Butwin, Eagan, Minnesota
Staff member Steve Mitchell on airplane
Staff of M and L Motor Supply, St. Paul, Minnesota
Staff of Riviera Leave Area
Staff of the International Institute
Staff or a parent with Camp Butwin campers, Eagan, Minnesota
Staff or a parent with Camp Butwin campers, Eagan, Minnesota
Stafford, Russell Henry
Staff party and picnic for the Emanuel Cohen Center stay-at-home camp staff, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Staff. St. Paul campus cafeteria.
Staff Volunteers Proofs
Stagehands backstage in Northrop Memorial Auditorium, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Stage left tormentor of three pieces.
Stage right tormentor of three pieces.
Stagg, Amos Alonzo  (Box 194, Folder 1)
Stahl, Harriet S.
Stahlinstitut Leigzig, 1604A Computer, West Germany
St. Aignan Y.M.C.A. and Chateau
Stained camel bone Ganesh statue
Stained Glass
Stained Glass
Stained Glass
Stained Glass
Stainless steel curette
Stairs and Structure
Stairs and walkway through a yard at Birchholm
Stairwell in Eastcliff, President House, St. Paul, Minnesota
Stakman, Elvin C.
Stakman, Elvin Charles
Stakman, Elvin Charles
Stakman, Elvin Charles