Pencil drawing of a cedar tree leaning to right; top of cedar tree not visible. Reverse side of sheet has the same drawing, traced, with less shading than the drawing on front. Study for the Bell Museum's Gunflint Lake diorama.
Depiction of the building of the Security Savings Bank, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Card sent by Franta Filipek of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to Ladimir Rypka in Owatonna, Minnesota. Money receipt acknowledgement, inquiry/reminder of Sokol slet preparations.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
Depiction of the building of the Security Savings Bank, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Card sent by Franta Filip of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to Ladimir Rypka in Owatonna, Minnesota. Information regarding Czech language issues, reference to T. Vonasek, secretary of Central Workingmen's Association, 1647 South St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.