Members of the Greek American Progressive Association spell out the letters "G.A.P.A." during a ceremony. An American flag and a Greek flag sit on the altar-like table.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
Members of the Greek American Progressive Association pose for a photograph at a banquet table. The program on the table has the initials "G.A.P.A" in its title.
Kraverotis, Christos. Springfield, Mass.
1950 - 1959
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
The study of influence maximization in social networks has largely ignored disparate effects these algorithms might have on the individuals contained in the social network. Individuals may place a high value on receiving information, e.g. job openings or advertisements for loans. While well-connected individuals at the center of the network are ...
Venkatasubramanian, Suresh (The University of Utah)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Tie dyed cloth (called gara cloth); indigo on yellow-green in irregular, variegated stripes; strips machine sewn together before dyeing. Color: indigo, blue, and lime
Stenciled starch resist (called gara cloth); indigo on yellow green in scalloped patterns with lines; indigo strip sewn as borders. Color: yellow, lime, and indigo
Stenciled starch resist; snowflake-like patterns on white damask background; original cloth is textured with waves and diamonds. Color: turquoise and white