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3906 - 100 of 213793 results
Taku River, Alaska
Taku River, Alaska
Taku River, Alaska
Taku Valley, Alaska
Talking Bones
Talking on the phone
Talking with co-op managers
Talk on the Prevention of Disease
Talk - "Our Good Neighbors, The Koreans," December 19, 1956 Christmas Party (Box 5, Folder 40)
Tall building in Palestine(?) with a person riding camel.
Tallerton, David
"Tallit, Bag, and Skullcap," Prayer Items hand woven silk and cotton, by Phyllis Kantor.
Tallit bag, Minnesota
"Tallit Number 6, A Memorial to the Holocaust," Wall hanging tapestry and two-layered weave of cotton and wool, by Bracha Fredman.
"Tallit," Prayer Shawl, (brown and beige) woven worsted wool, by Ilene Potashnick.
"Tallit," Prayer Shawl (brown, rust, and blue) woven worsted wool, by Ilene Potashnick.
"Tallit," Prayer Shawl, hand woven cotton, by Laurie Gross.
"Tallit," Prayer Shawl (navy, crimson, metallic on off-white) Woven worsted wool, by Ilene Potashnick.
"Tallit," prayer shawl woven wool, by Joan Goodman Ganz.
Tall, Russell
Talmud Torah Alumni Athletic Club, football team, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Talmud Torah Alumni Athletic Club scrapbook
Talmud Torah Alumni Choir
Talmud Torah Alumni Scrapbook
Talmud Torah awards ceremony, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Talmud Torah Children's Choir and Cantor, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Talmud Torah Classes, Nursery School, St. Paul, Minnesota
Talmud Torah, Elementary graduating class, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Talmud Torah graduating class of 1923, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Talmud Torah Graduating Class of 1941, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Talmud Torah Ladies Auxiliary clippings scrapbook
Talmud Torah Menachem Heilicher Building, 8200 W. 33rd at Utah, exterior, St. Louis Park, Minnesota
Talmud Torah Menachem Heilicher Building, 8200 W. 33rd at Utah, exterior, St. Louis Park, Minnesota
Talmud Torah Menachem Heilicher Building, 8200 W. 33rd at Utah, exterior, St. Louis Park, Minnesota
Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, alumni 1921
Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, Beit Hamidrash graduating class 1933
Talmud Torah of Minneapolis buildings
Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, elementary class
Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, graduating class 1931
Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, graduating class 1939
Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, graduating class 1943
Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, graduation ceremony at North High School 1954
Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, graduation ceremony at North High School 1955
Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, High School graduating class, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, pre-school class 1967-1968
Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, pre-school graduation 1969
Talmud Torah of Minneapolis, students and Rabbi David Goldstein
Talmud Torah of St. Paul classrooms
Talmud Torah of St. Paul scenes
Talmud Torah Schools Move to New Building, St. Paul, Minnesota