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Pillsbury Mansion. University of Minnesota
Plan Number Four, University of Minnesota Proposed Future Plan, 1939
Plan Number Three, University of Minnesota Present 1939 Plan
Plant Pathology Seminar. Seminar papers. (Box 4, Volume 4)
Plant Pathology Seminar. Seminar sign-in books. (Box 12, Book 1)
Plant Pathology Seminar. Seminar sign-in books. (Box 12, Book 2)
Plant Pathology Seminar. Seminar sign-in books. (Box 12, Book 3)
Plant Pathology Seminar. Seminar sign-in books. (Box 12, Book 4)
Please keep the bombs away!
Pledge of the army nurse
Pledge your conscience to your country : help speed victory
Poland : first to fight
Poland : first to fight
Poland's warriors of the air : like the knights of the old defend the freedom of the world : Polish War Relief
Polish national alliance baseball team
Polish war relief : "inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these ..."
Portrait photograph of the Kappa Chapter of the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Ports are often bombed when convoys are in because somebody talked : never mention arrivals, sailings, cargoes or de
Postal savings : deposits accepted here : ask about the new savings stamps : $1 opens an interest-bearing account
Post much earlier this Xmas