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Team 5 final report
Team 5 progress report
Team 5 progress report
Team 5 progress report
Team 6 final report
Team 6 final report
Team 6 progress report
Team 6 progress report
Teammates and coaches welcome John Peterson to home plate after leadoff home run at baseball stadium dedication
Team Minnesota
Team of draft horses
Teams of athletes lined up before the governor and other officials. Tientsin stadium, October 10, 1934. Nankai students spelli
Teamsters Joint Council, Exterior perspective.
Team. Tokyo.
Teamwork freed Africa ... and we helped!
Teamwork in Turkey
Tea pickers, Happy Valley Estate, Darjeeling
Tea terraces to the very top of the mountains. The best tea brings as high as Mexican $5.00 per ounce.
Teatro de Torino
Tea warmer
Technical Economic Survey, 1964 (Box 12, Folder 8)
Technical Lecture No. 12: Progress and Problems in Korean Education by Dr. Willard E. Goslin, 1958 (Box 2, Folder 7)
Ted Drake’s nature class and building at YMCA Camp Ihduhapi, Lake Independence, Loretto, Minnesota, 1935.
"Teddy's Pet" bottle
Ted Goldstein and Ruth Peilen at Sophie Wirth camp, White Bear Lake, Minnesota
Ted, Mother, and Ruth Sinykin Kozberg in Lead, South Dakota
Teen activities, Herzl Camp, USY
Teenage boys play softball at the Groveland Park Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
Teenage canteen entertainers, August 1946
Teenagers attending a Mount Zion Temple teen outing, St. Paul, Minnesota
Teenagers at the St Paul Jewish Community Center make signs promoting the Young Judea Carnival
Teenagers celebrating at a New Years Eve Party at Maureen Lifson's House
Teenagers playing table tennis and billiards in the teen game room at the St. Paul Jewish Community Center
Teeter, Thomas A.H.
Teeter, Thomas A.H.
Tefillin prayer at Sons of Jacob synagogue in St. Paul, Minnesota
Teien, Helen
Teigen, L.O.
Teisberg, Carl Benjamin
Telander, Bruce
Telecommunications Building. Minneapolis Campus. Construction
Telecommunications Building. Minneapolis Campus. Construction
Telecommunications Building. Minneapolis Campus. Construction