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Farm Topics from the Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service
Farm Topics from the Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service
Farm Topics from the Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service
Farm Topics from the Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service
Farm trucks at country elevator
Farm windmill, abandoned.
Faster Than Sound
Feeding sheep.
Feeding sheep.
Feet, Feet, Feet
Fertile Waters - Fisheries Management
Fiddler's Convention
Field corn
Field corn
Field tours and open house, St. Paul Campus. Seth Naeve explains soybean uses and research to St. Paul and suburban visitors.
Fighting for Equality: A Life of Service with speaker W. Harry Davis
Fighting for Quality in a Time of Austerity with speaker C. Peter Magrath
Financing and Summary
Financing Elections with speakers Archibald Cox and Bill Frenzel
Financing Public Higher Education in a Time of Adversity with Aaron Wildavsky
Financing State Services by Rudy Perpich and Salisbury Adams
Financing the Biennium with speakers Roger Moe and Robert Ashbach
Financing the University in the Next Biennium with speaker C. Peter MacGrath
Finishing Stroke
Fireside apple.
Firespotters on the Alert
First Impressions on Being Elected Governor with Rudy Perpich
First panel continued; Second panel: Analysis of changing public sentiment about United States involvement in Vietnam. Participants: David Lykken, Robert W. Smith, Robert Lehman
First Thoughts on Taking Office with speaker David Durenburger
Fiscal Crunch with speaker George Latimer
Fish and Fishing
Fisherman's Luck
Fishermen Deluxe
Fish Scale Legends
Flames Clear the Land
Fleetfoot of the Brushpatch: Rabbit
Flexible Session Amendment by Robert Brown, Jack Davies, Arlen Waelti, and Andy Marlow
Florence Gaynor
Flotsam and Jetsam
F. Melius Christensen
Folk Music
Following the Language
Following the Red River Trail - Red River of the North
Follow the Flyways: Duck, Goose, Crane
Football and the University with speakers Lou Holtz and Frank D. Wilkerson
Football Title Outs
Forage grass research plots, St. Paul Campus. Horticulture Greenhouses in background.
Foreign Policy with Harlan Cleveland
Forest Fire-Fighters