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Hedyotis longifolia
Heirloom U of M wheat varieties, West Central Experiment Station, Morris, Minnesota. Centennial of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, 1885-1985. 'Thatcher' (1934), 'Marshall' (1982), 'Marquis' (1892)
Helen Hayes interviewed by Kathleen McCreery on the theatre and related topics on KUOM
Helenium autumnale
Helenium autumnale
Helianthemum bicknellii
Helianthemum canadense
Helianthus annuus
Helianthus giganteus
Helianthus grosseserratus
Helianthus maximiliani
Helianthus pauciflorus
Helianthus petiolaris
Helianthus strumosus
Helianthus tuberosus
Helianthus tuberosus
Helianthus tuberosus
Heliopsis helianthoides
Heliopsis helianthoides
Helping the Elderly with speaker Daphne Krause
Helping the Homeless: Are We Meeting the Problem? with speakers Bruce Kurtz and David Schultz
Henry Ossawa Tanner
Henry Thomas
Herbert Feigel interviewed on the field of philosophy of science with the emphasis on the subjects of logical positivism and the Vienna Circle
Herbert Heaton interviewed on his life and his experiences at the University of Minnesota
Herbert, the Fearful Hyena
Heroes of the Continental Army
Hesperostipa spartea
Hesperostipa spartea
Heterotheca villosa
Heterotheca villosa
Heuchera richardsonii
He Who Has Lost All
Hidden Laiva (Finland)
Hieracium aurantiacum
"Higher Education and the War," discussion, Special Bulletin no. 67
Higher Education in Holistic View with speakers Clyde Angle, and C. Peter Magrath
Higher Education with speakers Gerald Christenson, Peter Magrath, and John Wefold
High John de Conqueror
High on a Peak
High Schools in the 1980s with Theodore A. Sizer
Highwater Mark
Historic holstein (right) vs. modern cow (leftt). Research project to maintain a herd of older body types and genetics. U of Minnesota, Southern Experiment Station, Waseca. Principal Investigator, Hugh Chester Jones.
Historic school, now museum and shops. Attractive sign to promote community. Town square of Grand Rapids, Minnesota. Veronica Long, University of Minnesota Extension Service tourism expert.
"History and Literature," discussion, Special Bulletin no. 49
History and Mystery in United States Relations with the USSR, PRofessor Marshall D. Shulman
"History in School and Colleges," discussion, Special Bulletin no. 65
History of Minnesota Football