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Cedar Waxwing bird on branch against sky showing the crest
Cedrus sp. (Pinaceae)
Cedula Real: Regarding the use of weapons by mission Amerindians., 1668-1669.
Cedula Real re: right of passage for Jesuits going to the Paraguayan missions., August 20th, 1639.
Cedula Real: Tributes should be levied from the reducciones of Parana, Uruguay and that this income should serve to pay the sums outstanding to the Jesuit missionaries., April 30th, 1668.
Cedula Real: Weapons in missions should be returned to Buenos Aires., April 30th, 1668.
C. Edward Singer, center row, extreme left
Ceiba pentandra plank roots
Ceiling damage in hallway in Old Main building
Ceiling Fixtures, Cyrus Northrop Memorial Auditorium, University of Minnesota sketch