Pencil drawing of a peccary (also called a javelina or skunk pig) standing near the strong shadow cast by a tree. Appears to be a version of a scratchboard illustration for the book "Mammals of North America" (Victor H. Cahalane, 1947), Chapter 1, "The Wild Pig." The peccary in "Mammals of North America" has the same pose, but in the published i...
Cartographic Details: Scale [1:253,240] (W 94°25'00"--W 93°04'00"/N 48°42'00"--N 47°50'00"). "Compiled from maps of U.S. land office county map. Drainage map and field notes also from data supplied by F.W. Kibbey, county supervisor." Plate III.
Kibbey, F. W.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, John R. Borchert Map Library.
Cartographic Details: Scale not given (W 95°36'00"--W 94°24'00"/N 48°59'00"--N 47°24'00"). Relief shown by contours. "Plate II" in upper right corner. "Compiled from field notes, government and county maps, and data supplied by drainage commission."
Minnesota Geological Survey.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, John R. Borchert Map Library.