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3921 - 100 of 211584 results
Jane Howard: A Different Woman
Jan Ernest Matzeliger
Jannette Rankin
Japanese Industrial Policy
Japanese Relocation with speakers Godron Hirabayoshi, Gladys Ashida, and Don Irish
Jay Arthur Myers interviewed on his life and his experiences at the University of Minnesota
Jeannette Piccard
Jeannette Piccard
Jeannette Ridlon Piccard interviewed on her career; women in religion, past and present; and problems of aging
Jean Piccard
Jean Piccard
Jehan Sadat, widow of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat speaking about "Peace in the Middle East" at the University of Minnesota
Jerry Buckanaga
Jerry Hagstrom, author
Jessie Owens
Jill Van Der Wal, Farmer, on Cattle Rearing, July 2012
Jim Brown
Jimmy Brown
Jimmy Carter Meets the Minnesota Press with Jimmy Carter
Joe Adamov, principal United States announcer for Radio Moscow
Joe Domeier, Farm Manager, on his Community Farm, September 2012
Joe Louis
John and the Lion
John and Wilbur Merritt
John Boland, Chairman of the Metro Council State of the Region Address
John Brantner, conference on families, keynote
John Buckanga, Education and Minnesota Indian Affairs
John D. Akerman interviewed on his life and his experiences at the University of Minnesota
John Henry
John Hope Franklin
John Howard Allison interviewed on his life and his experiences at the University of Minnesota
John Jensen, set designer, from the Guthrie Greenroom
John Kenneth Galbraith speaks at the 100th Anniversary of the St. Paul Public Library
John L. McKnight, "On the Need for Oldness" at a conference entitled "Frontiers in Aging: Life Extension."
Johnny Cash
Johnson, Dennis G.
John Talks to Mary
Jonas Stehman interviewed on his life and on his experiences at the University of Minnesota
Jose Gutierrez
Jose Herrera and Krystal Spinler, Restaurant Owners, on their Businesses, December 2012
Joseph Senungetuk
Joseph Warren Beach Lecture: A Theory of Fiction by novelist John Gardner
Joyce Jackson
Judicial Legislation by Jack Davies and Jerome Blatz
Judy Harder, Organic Farmer, on her Business, August 2012
Juglans cinerea
Juglans nigra
Julian Bond
Julian Bond
Julius Nolte on Frank Rarig