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Lawler Theatre, Rochester, Minnesota
Lawrence 1950
Lawrence 1950
Lawrence 1950. Geog. Rev.
Lawrence 1950. Geog. Rev.
Lawrence 1950. Geog. Rev.
Lawrence 1950. Geog. Rev. 40, Figure 1.
Lawrence and Lawrence 1949
Lawrence, Donald B.
Lawrence Geog. Rev. 1950
Lawrence. Geog. Rev. 1950. Figure 17.
Lawrence "Larry" Ross handing out awards to the University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey team
Lawrence Lofstrom
Lawrence Lofstrom
Lawrence, Ruth E.
Law School Building. Minneapolis Campus
Law School Building. Minneapolis Campus. Arcitects Model
Law school students, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Law school trial court, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Lawton, Harry C.
Laying Cornerstone to the Kansan Koti (United Finnish Hall)
Laying Cornerstone to the Kansan Koti (United Finnish Hall)
Laying Cornerstone to the Kansan Koti (United Finnish Hall)
Laying Cornerstone to the Kansan Koti (United Finnish Hall)
Laying Cornerstone to the Kansan Koti (United Finnish Hall)
Laying Cornerstone to the Kansan Koti (United Finnish Hall)
Laying Cornerstone to the Kansan Koti (United Finnish Hall)
Laying Cornerstone to the Kansan Koti (United Finnish Hall)
Lazaro, Arnold
Lazaro, Arnold
Lazarow, Arnold
Lazarus family
LBJ and Donald Fraser
LBJ and McCarthy
LBJ and McCarthy
LBJ and McCarthy Photoshoot
LBJ Signing Legislation
Leach, J.G.
Leaders' Corps
Leadership gathering in St. Paul, Minnesota
Leaf carpet in the spring woods
League of Women Voters program on taxation with speakers Francis Boddy and Kenneth Anderson
Learning Greek
Least Flycatcher Group
Leather purse with embroidery
Lebanese officials
Lebanese outing festival
Le Cabaret des Truands