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Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual reports of the YMCAs of China, Korea, and Hong Kong, 1902-1904: A Year's Progress: The Work of the Young Men's Christian Association of China and Korea During 1908, 1908. (Box 16, Folder 4)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual reports of the YMCAs of China, Korea, and Hong Kong, 1902-1904: A Year Among Young Men in the Middle Kingdom: A Report of the Work of the Young Men's Christian Associations of China and Korea, 1910. (Box 16, Folder 5)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual reports of the YMCAs of China, Korea, and Hong Kong, 1902-1904: Another Year's Progress, 1913: Annual Report, Young Men's Christian Associations of China, 1914. (Box 16, Folder 8)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual reports of the YMCAs of China, Korea, and Hong Kong, 1902-1904: Annual reports of the YMCAs of China and Korea,1911-1919. (Box 17, Volume 1)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual reports of the YMCAs of China, Korea, and Hong Kong, 1902-1904: Annual Report of the Young Men's Christian Associations of China, 1921. (Box 18, Folder 1)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual reports of the YMCAs of China, Korea, and Hong Kong, 1902-1904: Annual Report of the Young Men's Christian Associations of China, 1920. (Box 16, Folder 16)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual reports of the YMCAs of China, Korea, and Hong Kong, 1902-1904: Among Young Men in the Middle Kingdom, 1911. (Box 16, Folder 6)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual reports of the YMCAs of China, Korea, and Hong Kong, 1902-1904: Among Young Men in the Middle Kingdom, 1911. (Box 16, Folder 6)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual reports of the YMCAs of China, Korea, and Hong Kong, 1902-1904: Advance Steps in the Young Men's Christian Associations of China, Korea, and Hongkong During the Year 1903, 1903. (Box 16, Folder 2)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual reports of the YMCAs of China, Korea, and Hong Kong, 1902-1904: 25 Years Y.M.C.A. Progress in China, 1895-1920. (Box 16, Folder 16)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual reports of the YMCAs of China, Korea, and Hong Kong, 1902-1904: 25 Years: The Illustrated Annual Report of the Young Men's Christian Associations of China for 1919, 1920. (Box 16, Folder 15)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of the European YMCA of Hong Kong, 1908, 1910. (Box 20, Folder 6)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual reports of secretaries in China and Korea, 1911. (Box 15, Volume 4)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual reports of secretaries in China and Korea, 1910. (Box 15, Volume 1)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual reports of secretaries in China and Korea, 1909. (Box 15, Volume 3)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Wuhan, 1919, 1921. (Box 20, Folder 26)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Tianjin (Tientsin), 1909-1911, 1932. (Box 20, Folder 25)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Shanghai, 1921. (Box 20, Folder 24)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Shanghai, 1920. (Box 20, Folder 23)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Shanghai, 1919. (Box 20, Folder 22)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Shanghai, 1917. (Box 20, Folder 21)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Shanghai, 1916. (Box 20, Folder 20)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Shanghai, 1914. (Box 20, Folder 19)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Shanghai, 1912. (Box 20, Folder 18)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Shanghai, 1911. (Box 20, Folder 17)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Shanghai, 1908. (Box 20, Folder 16)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Shanghai, 1907. (Box 20, Folder 15)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Shanghai, 1906. (Box 20, Folder 14)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Shanghai, 1904. (Box 20, Folder 13)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Shanghai, 1903. (Box 20, Folder 12)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Shanghai, 1902. (Box 20, Folder 11)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Shanghai, 1901. (Box 20, Folder 10)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Nanjing (Nanking), 1922. (Box 20, Folder 9)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Hong Kong, 1902-1904, 1908, 1909-1910. 2 folders. (Box 20, Folder 7)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Hangzhou (Hangchow), 1919-1921, 1932. (Box 20, Folder 3)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Fuzhou (Foochow), 1920. (Box 20, Folder 4)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Chongqing (Chungking), 1945. (Box 20, Folder 5)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Canton, 1929. (Box 20, Folder 2)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: Antung, 1922. (Box 20, Folder 1)
Annual and Quarterly Reports. Annual Reports of Local Associations in China, 1901-1945: A Guide to Good Fortune, Hankou (Hankow), 1913. (Box 20, Folder 8)
Annual and quarterly reports (A-E), 1906 (Box 3, Folder 1)
Annual Adminsitration Report, J. E. Platt, for year 1923, Moukden, Manchuria
Annual Administrative Report, W. W. Cline, Feb. 16, 1923
Annual Administrative Report to the International Committee Y. M. C. A. by Raymond S. Hall, Nanking, May 26, 1933
"Annual" Administrative Report, Ralph M. Hogan, Tsinan, Shantung, China, March 31, 1931
Annual Administrative Report of W. R. Stewart, Kaifeng, Honan, China, Year July, 1933 to June, 1934
Annual Administrative Report of R. G. Gold, Foochow, China, for the year closing December 31, 1925
Annual Administrative Report of R. G. Gold, Foochow, China, for the year Closing December 31, 1923
Annual Administrative Report of Lennig Sweet, Boys' Work Secretary, Peking, China, For The Year Ending December 31, 1923
Annual Administrative Report of J. S. Burgess, Peking, China, 1923