In the numerical analysis of elliptic PDEs, much attention has been given (quite rightly) to the discretization of the Laplace operator and other second-order Laplace-type operators, e.g., the Hodge--Laplace operator on differential $k$-forms. By comparison, Dirac-type operators have received little attention from the perspective of nume...
Stern, Ari (Washington University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
With the arrival of Hitler, Jews that had converted to Christianity - many before the turn of the century - were (without any real resistance) abandoned by their churches to the terror of Nazi persecution and death in concentration camps.Marrano (Spanish, literally meaning pig) was a derogatory term used to describe Jews who converted to Christi...
Hirschberger, Fritz, 1912-2004
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies.