Text describes Palestine policies of the US, France and Great Britain and ridicules Roosevelt's dependency on Jews. Sticker on back side of poster: propaganda material of the nazi party
Contributed By:
Hennepin County Library, James K. Hosmer Special Collections.
Unfolded two sided information mailer. Side one (MSP02809) is a Information chart of naval aviation jobs and requirements. Side 2 (MSP02809a) has photographs of naval warplanes and of sailors performing aviation related duties
United States. Office of Education. Vocational Division. Occupational Information and Guidance Service
1939 - 1945
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Upper Midwest Literary Archives.
Black and white pictures of whisky, tobacco, sugar, etc, and their retail prices and taxes. Stamped on the back of poster: "British Information Services 30 Rockfeller Plaza New York City." No scanned image
1939 - 1945
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Upper Midwest Literary Archives.
Chart showing pre-war and present levels of consumption. Stamped on the back of poster: "British Information Services 30 Rockfeller Plaza New York City." No scanned image
1939 - 1945
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Upper Midwest Literary Archives.